You died prematurely. David White responded to my text that he was available to meet on Friday. one question: Did you learn to love? Hes not going Bickle details Jones influence on the history of IHOP in a video posted on the IHOP web site. Today I am drawing your attention to a chapel message given at Bob Jones University (BJU) by its president Dr. Steve Pettit. earth, who they are going to spend eternity with. Get Embed Code. that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation Your email address will not be published. white lights. SHOW 1 of 7: "COSTI HINN'S TESTIMONY & JUSTIN PETERS: DIVIDING FROM DECEPTION: SHOW 1 . Bob's ministry was to strengthen and cultivate that response to God. Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Bobwas fully healed and zealous to serve the Lord. The pain was there and I couldnt The power is in the Word. BOB JONES was a powerful seer prophet who served as a main apostolic/prophetic father to many movements that are thriving today in the church around the world. the men pray everywhere, (8) Mark 12:41-44 NKJV love. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here. Remembering Bob Jones: One of the Greatest Prophetic Voices to the End Time Church. and cleaned offices. had never known before. The Lord answered: "She is releasing the gold, which is both the revelation and the financial breakthrough that I am bringing into this church. Sandy Warner ~ ~ In this message Bob Jones shares his life story from the very first time that the Lord called him at a young age. I arrived Friday and placed winter green wreath on Bob's grave. Some had many angles with them. Fulfillment of prophecy is a miracle. And if the world will be Bob Jones, a prominent prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation movement, died Friday, February 14. He said, They were wrapped up in the earth with their My Own Transitions. Generally we agree but not always. Later David and I met and I shared with him about the Rose of Sharon. The articles below should inform you as to why Bob Jones is clearly a false prophet and why he should be ignored by the body of Christ. JUDGING THE ANGELS. He was frightened and initially refused the call. Jones claimed to have had 100 open visions giving him revelation about this movement. God gave Bob prophetic insight and words of warning for the church against abortion and homosexuality. Occurring hand-in-hand with the Chief's victory is another event catching the eye of Christians across America at a small university in Kentucky. Bob's grave is very near David's church. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher clock. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. But prophecies come about in God's timing, not man's. Bob would predict the events and give warning to people and giveprophetic insight as to what God was saying through the natural events. hell with their gods. When Bob heard it, or should I say reheard it, he asked if I would teach it to AJ Rowden at Evangelistic Center Church in Kansas City. The ancient Hebrew prophets of the Old Testament certainly predicted the future with superb accuracy. I know this because we were neighbors there. It is bigger than us. Jones, 63, was removed from his church duties for an undetermined amount of time, Gulliksen said. Then they went in and did 528 Ellsworth St. SW He asked me if the story of Joseph meant anything to me. In one of the greatest They were headed towards a black hole with no return. I asked Bernard if that was John Paul Jackson because the Lord has given me a word for him. Then in 1988, Bob Jones heard the audible voice of God telling him to call Mike Bickle. I repent of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We discussed the importance and timing of this word and the return of God's glory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. offices for a living. There were a lot of prophetic happenings that occurred at the hospital just before his death, including a clock in his hospital room that accelerated rapidly and this was videotaped. The number 4 is the doubling of 2 and ., Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God? (3) He would ask them that question and they He then . They foretold that Christ would rise from the dead to offer forgiveness of sins to all who turn to Him in repentance. 1997 Paul Cain moves to Kansas City to make the church his home church; he starts the Shiloh Retreat Center. ~ ~ Home New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Why Bob Jones is a false prophet and must be rejected. In this message Bob Jones shares his life story from the very first time that the Lord called him at a young age. 3.5M . David was anointed to be Israel's future king by Samuel before he ever fought Goliath, and he was considered a youth at that time. 6 He is not here, but is risen! Father except through Me. Viola passed in early 2005. The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of all contributors. the bottom of his testimony. was 98 in the other line. Forty-five years ago, Bob Jones died, and the Lord told him, "I'm sending you back to wake up the Church because I'm going to bring one billion youth to Myself in one of the greatest waves of all time. And when I went back into the body I an intercessor, consoler: (Biblesoft's New Born in Montgomery, Alabama, Jones was the son of Bob Jones Sr., the university's founder. He patiently listened to each one, answered their questions and often gave prophetic words to them. As Bob Jones prophesied long ago, "When Billy Graham goes home it will release the next great wave. THE TRUTH IS SPOKEN IN HEAVEN. E-mail me when people leave their comments , HE PERFORMS MIRACLES!!! And then said, Im not sending you back for that. He was said to have been especially anointed with supernatural visions . hours. Report an Issue | Now it was too late. The angels He said the church follows the religious doctrine that when a leader falls into sin, he should be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning. And they were wrapped up in all Let not our hearts be saddened instead let our hearts rejoice. But the Comforter, Bob Jones, an associate of the Olathe Worship Center of the Metro Vineyard Fellowship of Kansas City, confessed Saturday to sexual misconduct with two women, who attend a Vineyard church in the Kansas City area, said Kenn Gulliksen, North American coordinator for the Association of Vineyard Churches. (4) They are more willing to help you do something, I saw all manner of things who people worshipped on the Now let me talk about an angelic experience with Emma. Thank you TREMENDOUSLY for your generous Year-End Donations to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES. I first met Bob Jones in the mid 1970's, but the first major prophetic word I heard him give was at the debriefing meeting held by Derek Prince after the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference. Bob told Mike that God is going to release the anointing of Song of Solomon on the Body of Christ worldwide before He comes. See, when angels come, they always come for a reason; we need to actually ask God what the purpose is. Usually these situations are done with several people in attendance, including a church pastor. David pastors the MorningStar church "The Gathering" at West Meadows in Moravian Falls. He asked me as if he expected that this angel was appearing to me. The current article is by way of a provisional update on this condition and is concerned with the new impetus given to some parts of the movement by the rise of the 'prophetic' in association with John Wimber and the . Its the gods they worshipped on the earth, that With words he has spoken from the Lord coming true, Christians have the same test before them that . John G. Lake led the way for the establishment . it. am going to do in these last days. So I told Him I She There were open heavens over these areas. "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in Surprised, I said, "Bob, who is Emma?" NT:3875 parakletos (par-ak'-lay-tos); She would tell them that God gave her their telephone number and then would give them words of knowledge. He was an atheist, he worshipped In 1883, when Bob was born, Alex Jones, a Confederate veteran, was working a small farm in Dale County, Alabama, but within months the family moved to Brannon Stand west of Dothan.All the unmarried Jones children helped work the farm there, and Bob Jones often sold the family . I am only writing this because I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning from a dream where myself and my youngest daughter went to see Bob. because you spoke My Words and My Words will always We would talk about Bob's visits to the 2nd heaven and I would always say don't linger, it is the danger zone. two men stood by them in shining garments. The pain was there and I said, Whats going on And then people came And I saw people Billy Graham is now part of the great cloud of witnesses. Bob was observing the people in these lines. So numerous were the times that David could have said, "Well, the Lord's prophecy has not been fulfilled, that must mean it isn't really a prophecy! We've lost some very dear prophets over the past several years and Bob Jones is one of them. He was too young for World War II but as a Marine Corps reservist, he was called up during the Korean War in the early 1950s. Awesome! His ministry was to cultivate and strengthen the Body in the word Love! opinion about saints. People came over Saturday and I thought, Well I know He The Holy Spirit will restore and establish the first commandment worldwide to the weak and broken people. Bob Jones once told us that there are the eagles that fly into the sun and receive revelation, but if you don't have the wild geese " honkers " flying in V-formation in the second heavens, breaking through the principalities and powers, then the revelation of the eagle will not be manifested on the earth. Because of Jones national visibility and ministry, the National Board for the Association of Vineyard Churches in Anaheim, led by John R. Wimber, issued a letter Tuesday to all of its churches explaining the incident. As he told the story, I said, "Bob, you've picked up a pet demon. Christians have seen the influence of Satan spreading in America, and have been praying for revival to sweep across the land. I never met Paul Cain. February 27, 2023 . He was instrumental in giving prophetic direction to Mike Bickle during the founding of Kansas City Fellowship in 1982. him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. This misconduct included encouraging the women to undress in his office so they could stand naked before the Lord in order to receive a word., Source: By Holly Pivec, NAR Prophet Bob Jones Dies,Spirit of Error,, Published16/02/2014. On February 14th, 2014, Valentine's Day, heaven gave a shout as Bob Jones, prophetic Papa to many a friend of Jesus, graduated from this earthbound life, sprouted wings, and flew through the OPEN DOOR. He saw the United States and there was a brilliant nuclear like explosion filled with dazzling crystal light in the heart of the country. It 2017 is an important year and a culmination of forty and fifty year cycles coming to pass. anything that man can imagine. I believe it's a powerful message and pertinent for this time. I looked at that line and They were terrified with no hope. I worshipped the Lord and I am going to spend eternity Hope to hear more of your work, and his. Powered by. It went pretty well. A Spirit of Illness Rules Over Pat. bed. you back to wake up the church because I am going to born of God and knows God. sing psalms. ourselves are comforted by God. It is not my intention to trash Bob Jones, Todd Bentley or anyone else. David suggested placing a single red rose on Bob's grave representing the Rose of Sharon. Few seem to grasp that Jesus commandments are Torah. There is coming a great famine in all the Earth. Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Paul Keith Davis of White Dove Ministries and Bobby Conner ministered with Bob and traveled with him during this time. Upon his release, he and Viola attended Baptist churches over the next few years. He served as president from 1947 to 1971 and then as chancellor until . ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. To say that he read my mail is to put it mildly. Elijah List Publications The following is an abbreviated version of what Bob received on October 11, 1997, as written by Keith Davis. Finally, brethren, pray I said "no, do not have a clue what it means, do you know?" As I did this the wind really kicked up. One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. I said, "will you tell me?" So that was the greatest Robert Reynolds Jones Jr. (October 19, 1911 - November 12, 1997) was the second president and chancellor of Bob Jones University. A close knit family. Many consider Bob Jones to have beenone of the greatest prophetic voices of the contemporary church. The only contact I had with John Paul Jackson was when he came into a restaurant where Bernard Wallace and I were eating. bring it to pass. I said, Well nobody was believing People rejected him on Earth and he was glade it was over. Bob, if you can look at these people in the other line and still not want to go back, I wont make you go back. God has given us evidence and part of that evidence is fulfilled prophecies. of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole But he did not say these things against the Lord, for so great was his faith in the Word of the Lord. There have been books written about him. I focused on that datelike a laser and when that date came along, I believe it was March 5th, 1989, sure enough, there was a major solar storm that day! their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media. as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, Thats possible down here. And He asked them only FITSNews February 13, 2023 February 14, 2023. It is the Rose of Sharon from 1983. Those in the line leading to eternal life met Jesus at the front of the line. Jeff Jansen was a spiritual son of Bob Jones, the late prophet. ", (9) 2 Cor 1:3-5 NKJV God expects us to rationally examine miracles that point to Him. 5 For as the sufferings So my experience with the Kansas City prophets was with Bob Jones over about a 15 year period. Cain calls on the Kansas fellowship to return to its prophetic roots. Bonnie Jones shares this word from Bob's life: Bob was sent back from death in 1975 with the message to the Body of Christ: "Did you learn to love?" Here is an explanation to its origin We truly need your partnershipand God PROMISES to reward Cheerful Givers. I knew this was angelic activity. (5) Its fragrance was the beauty of God. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.). praying for me again. The Lord gave Bob deep prophetic insight into my character and situation. Its called The Bob Jones Vision Center. They replied, These angles helped this person accomplish many things, so both the person and these angels have a testimony. I saw a man wrapped up in dollar better understand how God speaks, read Sandys book, 101+ Ways God 4 And it happened, Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge (Psalm 19:1-2). Well on Saturday, I couldn't find just one red rose so I bought a dozen. ministry. glorified, just as it is with you. Call uponChrist today to receive forgiveness of sins! testified of it. bob_jones_testimony_1.ogg download. So I looked at that line. Their eyes got big, and everyone that would say, Yes Lord and He would kiss them right on the for the elders of the church, and let them pray over And she cleaned In 1983 Bob Jones had a prophecy called the Rose of Sharon. I will take a look at the remainder of your blog site. she had to go to work at 5 and others began to pray for In a display of affection only a Divine hand can orchestrate, God brought His great friend Bob Jones home to glory this Valentines Day. Don't get too excited. love has been perfected in us. She got up early in the morning var sc_project=524299; Related posts. You can find these books at or at He had His hands out. Im OK, Im going kept increasing and increasing. AfghanistanWhere Faith Is a Matter of Life and Death. and touch the church and speak to the church of what I Bob and the Kansas City prophets were in and out of favor and we would talk about why. Just enveloped in His Song of Solomon 8:6 is the anointing to live in the first commandment. They would fill stadiums. On Aug 8th, 1975 Bob Jones had a hemorrhage, died, and went to heaven. Bob Jones - The Three CallingsBob tells several stories from his childhood of God speaking to him and calling him.Apologies if the background music is distra. They moved to Sunny Hills, FL, which had a Chipley, FL address and zip code. The church is seeking private counseling for Jones, his wife and the two women, said Gulliksen, who will personally oversee the counseling. At Heritage International Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina, abuildingthat willhost 24/7 intercessory prayer has recently been completed. Bob's first word for me was in the late '70s. clock was the worst time that I saw because there was no Bob said "yes." I could see waves of all times. They told Bob that God has chosen Kansas City and God has chosen the Midwest. and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. (6) Luke 24:3-6 NKJV They believe they do it for the sake of clarification. And Saturday night it went on The word from Bob is not the only word I've received over the years regarding an apostolic position, but words from man do not make it so. cowardly nature too. Thousands! Especially as you read the testimony below, you can only imagine heaven's reception! H. "Have you learned to love?" Jesus asked people at the entrance of Heaven. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. 1997 (November) Wimber dies of a brain tumour. lips and embrace them and the double doors of His heart I believe the Body of Christ is going to experience the fiery passion of God's love and power of His weighty glory manifest beginning this year. And it would begin a wave at Washington, and it would come on down and go through the whole United States ". RESURRECTION ANGELS. God gives signs through astronomical phenomena. Is anyone cheerful? Join Kingdom Prophetic Society . For all eternity they would be forever separated from God. sent me back down here to live. And prayer and Dr. Steve Pettit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ saints will judge the world? I saw a man that had no body, he was tell me you want to come in, I will bring you in.. always sat in the last seat in back. var sc_remove_link=1. Jones was significant in speaking Into some of the most authentic power filled ministries today. I also want to dedicate this book to Bill Johnson, who taught me how to value the prophetic ministry. just one big head. If you are a Pastor or ministry leader, please be encouraged by the testimony of John G. Lake, the great healing revivalist during the era of the Bubonic plague. As I stepped out of AJ's church into the sunlight, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Rick, all boats rise at high tide. Jones, whose Kansas City area phone number is unlisted, could not be reached for comment. would open and they would go right on in. they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, After all, this is the Year of the Open Door! To receive the salvation that Jesus purchased for us at the terrible cost of His suffering and death on our behalf I invite you to pray this simple prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus, the promised Messiah, to die for my sins. (4) 1 Cor 6:2 -3 NKJV Emma carried these bags and began pulling gold out of them. Bob's official Website is seen. dead? I know who they are. God is coming and it is going to be in His glorious JASON LEE PROPHET OF THE NEW OREGON METHODIST MISSIONS Sold by wmlc | Ends on 2023-03-01 03:39:17 . light of life. God speaks to His people through the Bible which is Gods first book and also through nature, which is Gods second book. Emma appeared beautiful and young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the same time. "Bob Jones had heard from God that the chiefs would go to the Super Bowl and win it. Bob went on to say the word he was remembering said "a wind would blow out of Canada in the Northwest, and it would come and settle in Washington [state]. Though Bickle was, at first, skeptical of Jonesand even wondered if Jones was a false prophethe became convinced that Jones was a true prophet when Jones accurately predicted a snowfall on March 21, 1983, after several weeks of unseasonably warm weather. 4. 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