Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Gorillas however do not hunt for food and lack that predatory instinct to kill and that might work against it in a battle with these natural hunters. Reply explaining the issue. Theres proof of this. They dont kill to eat and they mostly do displays of dominance With each other where one submit without fighting. The first to strike successfully wins. In its book, One Travellers Africa, Cynthia Nolan mentions how a black leopard attacked and killed 4 gorillas. Leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas from time to time. WebThe silverback does not face the leopard to protect his family. Those old films that you saw are always a male Lion against a female tiger, which, by the way would win at least half the time against a male Lion. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Lion vs Mountain Lion: Who Would Win In A Fight? And last but not least the number 1 reasons gorilla get their asses handed to them by leopards, gorillas are non violent animals who run away from leopards 9 times out of 10. Chimps are cruel cruel cruel animals. Then from 12 years old, they develop a silver section of hair over their back and hips, earning them the name 'silverback'. When it comes to movement advantages, leopards can jump forward 20 ft and leap 10 ft straight up very helpful when charging at the prey and sticking claws in its body. its a big reason why they are prey for leopards and stuff. A Tiger has 4 inch claws but a Lion has 1.5 inch claws?! Tigers have documentary evidence of killing the largest sub species of crocodile and largest bovine ( gaur), rhinos and elephant. Lions are stronger than gorillas, so are tigers. He doesnt even consider the advantage of having four limbs w/ which you can grip, the ability to gouge eyes, or how the gorilla would rip off their opponents testicles. Then walk around for 3 hours. Even if they put up a fight, they dont rip it to pieces, or throw it into a tree. BEAR SURVIVES. come true, If you got a silver back angry I dont think anything could take him down, they rip limbs off, their power is immense. Pretty much this. Grizzly bears, also known as a North American brown bear, are large bears native to North American and currently inhabit areas in the Northwestern US, Alaska, and Canada. They live in montane forests as well as in lowland swamp forests. The lion is certainly no slouch but just doesnt have the size and strength advantage to overthrow the gorilla. Maybe tigers are willing to get into knock down brawls with potential prey, because they are the biggest big cat, and very strong, but I somehow doubt that, and I doubt a tiger will try anything but surprise on things built like ill-tempered boulders. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Someone who happens to be fucking Mickys fat slut of a mother to death giggety giggety, Bro youre absolutely disgusting. This is documented. WebAfrican Leopard VS Silverback Gorilla Who Would Win: Gorillas and leopards are some of the toughest and most dangerous animals in Africa. You are retarded, a gorilla beats all of them, For those retards think tiger cant handle gorilla Can An Elephant Defeat A Hippo, Crocodile, Lion Or Rhino In A Fight? Its superior mobility and having four limbs w/ which it can grip is too much of an advantage. Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear: Who Would Win in a Fight? On the other hand, leopards are apex predators. A lunge on the gorillas back, paws buried deep in the skin, a bite to the neck, and the gorilla would be dead. I assume the gorilla is your favorite animal followed by the lion. These big cats (and bears) dont just magically fall down broken because a silverback (mistaken for the Hulk) hits them, and they dont care about some projected deadlift figures that have never actually been observed just scaled up estimates from some 1930s dynameter tests done with chimps. Inflation, a free falling economy ,sucking chinas twat, mandating a vaccine that doesnt even work! Incredible,you guys are amazing,thanks a lot meet you next time. Dragging down a large animal is similar to fighting, but not quite the same. They have a life span of 35-40 The male gorillas have broad, muscular shoulders and a crest, or ridge, that distinguishes them from the females. If the leopard has the element of surprise, the odds are in the cat's favor. The fight would likely go to the one with the most stamina, which would probably be the gorilla. But to offer a critique of this article. Tf u smoking on Tigers dont fight bigger animals.. Tigers are only hunti g small animals while lions fight everyday to survive.. hahah funny. Bear gets tired quickly because of its size. Gorillas do have the upperhand, and some people are right! When it comes to claws, leopards have a clear advantage. A grizzly bear? Yes, the silverback can easily defeat Leopards. Guess what that is exceptional in the wild. Fuck u retarded lion hater. Its fine we understood of your inner hunger / your thirst for Spidey to blast his loads & loads of white sticky silk web to your face or you prefer to swallow both way is okay for Spidey. It is likely that the leopard would choose a smaller target but it could certainly catch any gorilla, although a Against a grizzly bear, male or female, the gorilla doesnt stand a chance in hell. Awww were yout triggered by their username? Some have been taught sign language and learned to communicate with the handlers. When the dark comes, leopards have a mirror-like membrane at the back of the retina that reflects light and allows them to see in total darkness. When it comes to a tiger and a gorilla in a fight it would be a short fight. Its too bad that his comment section has devolved into this. Hand to paw gorilla doesnt stand a chance. Edit: still getting shit rocked by a leopard but their teeth are actually pretty useful here and really his only hope, Really? When they fight with hands they just flail around but when they fight for real they bite. I say the Gorilla has all body and size to be champion, but all depends on the gorilla on the night of the fight. This guys breakdown is hilariously un-thorough. However, the bears 4-inch claws would inflict severe damage to the gorilla in any close combat. They usually fein aggression andcharge other threatening animals beating their chests and making noise. Leopards do hunt and kill gorillas, and while they avoid silverbacks it's not impossible. Four hands 1,300psi bite force. Grizzly, tiger, lion while powerful and agile still fall drastically short of the gorilla. In a bloodlusted cage match I would bet my money on the silverback gorilla but in nature leopards take it. They're hunters that get their kills from sneak attacks. A gorilla does not stand any chance against a tiger or a lion male or female or even sub prime juvenile adult. Gorilla strength feats are mostly them pulling or lifting stuff like one accidentally pulled a guys head off with almost no effort but they dont hit with like intent, aim, any kind of form, or balance. second of all, despite the fact that your dirty ass may know how to spell, you used the wrong word when you said n****** cant read or right. Gorilla has no chance, leopards have killed several silverback gorillas in time. This would be very difficult with the lions speed and agility. Lets not forget pride. (The manes are protective in battle.) 10. Leopards teeth and jaw muscles can produce bite power of around 310 PSI, significantly lower than a gorilla. When it comes to brute strength, gorillas are natures freaks. BTW a Grizzly could kill a lion, tiger or gorilla. Your understanding of gorillas and strength seem to be drawn from fanfic. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Some of his favorite subjects include sci-fi, history, and obscure facts about 90's television. Fools, a Wolverine would take all of these animals easily. They are approximately 8 feet long, run up to 50 miles per hour, have 1.5-inch claws and a 650psi bite force. I bet you will let a tiger f u in the assss if you could. So when the leopards bite gorillas they tear them apart, the gorilla are gushing blood with slashed flesh. An average male tiger weighs in at around 500 pounds and can reach up to 700 pounds. It all depends on the individual. They have a crazy high bite force with big canines and 0 fist fighting skills. In a fight between a gorilla and a lion, they would be pretty equally matched. Gorillas including silverbacks are actually among the most peaceful animals in the animal kingdom. Unless big cats can some how hit a main artery they aint making it far. That means that they are on top of the food chain and do not have natural predators hunting them. Then eat for an hour. Throwing 1,000lbs, lifting 1,800-2,000lbs. from: mysterious. hey there micky! All that nonsense about gorillas supernatural strength is a myth, based on a debunked study of chimpanzees in the 1920s. that is good even though in all honesty a male tiger would kill any male lion. A full grown gorilla could take down a tiger and a lion. Read More: Lion Vs Kodiak Bear Who Wins? In addition to the size, strength, and speed, gorillas are also very intelligent. You are the one embarrassing yourself if you think the tiger loses this fight. A silverback gorilla (the name for adult males) is not a predator. His strength is just for show. Another problem might be that, when he gets in trouble, he depends solely on himself. The other silverbacks likely wont fight with him, as lions do in pride. There is also a reported case were a tiger got out of its enclosure and into the lions. Some gorillas have been recorded moving over 20 miles per hour. Gorillas have been shown to have an IQ range between 75 and 95 and possess the ability to understand 2000 English words. Drink bleach please, Biden is one of the worst presidents we have ever had! Grizzlies are way bigger and stronger than any of these other animals. Far more effective than anything they do with their fists. damn, another fucking lying retard niggerSTFU queerbait. Apocryphally perhaps, a Rajah in previous times put a lion and a tiger in a pit to see whod win. All these other animals are experienced killers. Still many ppl believe what was written there. They can grow up to 2 inches long. It can climb and has been know to use branches and rocks as weapons. Also the lion wouldnt immediately go for the neck but first disable the legs. Dude gorilla is WAY stronger than a tiger are you dumb? Tigers go for smaller prey similar to leopards although they will tackle water buffalo. Kodiak Bear Vs Lion: Who Would Win In A Fight? And lets not forget your comment about brute strength. Silverback gorillas typically dont face many natural predators, as they are the largest and most powerful primates on the African continent. WebSo, if a leopard can kill a gorilla, a lion can, too. Unlike leopards who would waste 0 time in trying to overpower something and leopard isnt natural predator of gorillas, its just Tarzan cartoon. Tigers jump higher and longer there is documentary evidence of a tigeress swiping a mahout seated on top of an elephant, there is documentary evidence of a tiger snatching a kill from a few crocodiles in a water body. Against a MALE lion or tiger, the gorilla stand very little chance. Im a tiger fan all day long everyday. A leopard could kill a silverback and there are several documentations of it, but generally I think leopards don't want to take their chances when there is easier prey available. The bear is built like a tank and when not digging trees and tasty roots up, uses that giant front paw like a battering ram and would break a lion or tigers neck in one swat. He might even try to fuck the gorilla. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. This unknown skill was acquired through divinity and originated from some planet of the apes somewhere too far away in the galaxy of the next universe according to the gorillas elder. Leopards, on the other hand, are strong swimmers and exceptional climbers. Yep easily, Remember a leopard just like any big cat has 5 sets of weapons, it's front + back claws and it's teeth. They are a lot stronger than leopards and have the advantage here. A tiger weighs 500 lbs? Leopards have a better chance approaching via stealth and when their target isnt a silverback. how many times do you know about of people you love and care about in your pathetic ass excuse for a life getting or that got raped, robbed and then ran off on them? Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Dont falsify the difference. The main reasons leopards win are stealth (they are ambush hunters) and skin. Gorillas have a crazy high bite force and large sharp canines that they use for bark. You are indeed where you belong. Ummm no. How do you even question that? THEN THE TIGER. A male lion weighs in at 420 pounds. Look it up. That way you dont appear to be a moron to those who really know. Lion is the king, Seeing lions on a safari Tanzania is a life time experience and quite thrilling. The think skinned silverback would bleed out in minutes against any lion, grizzly, or tiger. The only predator to prey on gorillas is the leopard. WebLeopards kill non-silverback gorillas, Lions are larger and more designed for a frontal fight. A silverback gorilla will usually have his own group backing him up, and they'll step up to defend one another, so a big cat or a group of dogs will get absolutely bodied in that situation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. They know that a fight with a large male brings a big risk of injury which would prevent the leopard from hunting again. gorillas can fricking punch are u thick they cant just bite. Leopards much smaller than lions and tigers. What are you talking about? You are high if you think tigers and lions or even bears are stronger than a Silverback. Maybe you have never seen an actual fight between a tiger and a lion. All these animals have dangerous assets who is quicker and got courage wins on the night. But a dog? WebSome of the animals that could fight a gorilla include a leopard, a tiger, a lion, and a hippopotamus. They slash the gorilla with their claws and the gorilla bleeds to death. I am a bot | About | Code | Opt-out | Missing or wrong characters? But, leopards usually avoid fighting silverback gorillas, and instead focus on western lowland gorillas, meaning leopards choose young gorillas or offsprings over silverback gorillas who are stronger. Gorillas have lots of muscle (around 40% of their body weight is muscles) and very dense bones this might come in handy when reducing a leopards impact. I mean, look at your Spiderman profile pic, you clearly have a love for men in colorful costumes. Visit our website here loooooooooooool. But lets say the bear is stronger. Tiger is bigger and stronger. Truth of the matter is that there are a whole lot of animals way WAY stronger than a silverback, it is not even close to top dog in strength not even proportional strength. Speed is usually the deciding factor when other factors are close. Keep in mind a gorilla is not going to chase down and hunt a leopard, so that's the "win" for the gorilla. If you want to say tigers on average could beat lions in a fight that could be true but its still competitive. The silverback gorilla is an endangered gorilla species. Leopards are also nocturnal hunters; gorillas have poor night vision and sleep at night. Tiger would destroy a gorilla and have its throat ripped out. Lets explore the main characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of gorillas and leopards, and what would happen in a brawl between the two. Youd think thered at least be a bunch more if the gap were closer. When the tarp is skin tight your knife will go through both the tarp and steak. Bigger and stronger than Gorilla and even Tiger, so Tiger wins! Other teeth are used for cutting flesh and grinding bones. In their habitat, they can find unsuspecting gorillas susceptible to becoming their food. In a head-to-head fight in the open between a gorilla and a leopard, a gorilla would have a slightly better chance of winning. Lions sleep 20 hours a day. Leopards often kill male Silverbacks, so there you go. It would be a slaughter. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You guys have it all messed up. This makes it so any bite is more deadly for them, and even as strong as a gorillas bite is, probably wont be fatal for the leopard. Some of this dudes need a slap to knock some since into them. Kassuts. Who do you have winning this duel? Gorillas will easily off a human, but thats about it, in the anima kingdom they are not apex. But leopards also can bite with 442325 psi and can carry prey up trees Maybe it's closer than I thought. More effective than anything they do with their claws and the gorilla bleeds to death giggety giggety Bro. At your Spiderman profile pic, you guys are amazing, thanks a lot stronger than any of animals. 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