2:08 PM EST, Mon November 22, 2021. A land acknowledgmentis a traditional custom in many Native communities and nations to show respect to the people of the land since time immemorial. WebResource Map - Land Acknowledgements. We greatly appreciate the increased interest in this traditional practice, but the large volume of inquiries received does not always allow us to respond in a timely manner. We are also here to honor our Native American ancestors whose ways of knowing demonstrated reverence and respect for the land on which Oakland University now stands. It had to go slowly. Its like, Oh gee, thanks for taking care of the land so well. King wants to see institutions, organizations, or whoever plans on making a land acknowledgment to collaborate with and support Indigenous communities. As a community, we recognize that this is the ancestral land of the Three Fires Confederacy, the Ojibwa, Odawa, Potawatomi, and Wyandot nations. By clicking on each plotted point, you can access basic Land Acknowledgement data: -The Institution's/Entity's Name. Your acknowledgement should come from the heart, and we cannot provide you with the exact words to use. WebWHEREAS, land acknowledgments serve to illuminate ongoing indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and land expropriation, AND WHEREAS, the purpose of these statements is to show respect and honor the indigenous peoples that this land has been home to since time immemorial,1 AND Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 4705 West Marginal Way Southwest, Seattle, WA, 98106, United States. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. "You wouldn't say, 'I acknowledge that my hair is brown, my eyes brown.' Can you help us research? she says. Furthermore, it is a way to show respect and gratitude to the traditional stewards of a specific location, while recognizing that colonialism is still an ongoing process. -The Title and/or Text of the Land Acknowledgement (if applicable). Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. Oakland University, Andrew & Savana's stylish and sophisticated Meadow, Everything is different after dark. positionality in relation to that land. Eds. This statement can be present in your syllabus, read before presentations, or events. "A tool of colonialism is to keep us in the past tense," said Nahanee. According to a map within the University archive, Anishinaabeg maintained an Indian Encampment south of the Red Cedar River when classes were first held at the University (then known as Michigan Agricultural College) on May 13, 1857. [Were considering] some type of an ongoing event that would honor Native Americans Native American History Month or some other activity. The formal and public acknowledgement is an explicit gesture intended to cultivate a mutually beneficial dialogue, which is an essential feature in building an inclusive campus community. This map represents the location and geographic spread of the entities analyzed through the survey. Land acknowledgments can be a good way for people to learn more about Indigenous history and can signal respect for tribal nations. With such emphasis and weight behind each individual word, Knutson referred to the multi-year writing process as the most intense work with language that shed ever done. Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. Following the 2018 LMDA conference in Toronto -- Acknowledgement can be a thank you or an honoring. Oakland University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabe, known as the Three Fires Confederacy, comprised of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi. Its important people understand that when you put that upon Indigenous people, it can create a lot of additional stress on Native peoples and Native organizations., Larry Chavis, former director of UNCs American Indian Center, put it like this at a faculty council meeting after being asked to write a land acknowledgment for the university: Its like me writing my own thank you note for a gift that was taken from me.. Required fields are marked *, The people behind OUs Land Acknowledgement Statement, Sault Sainte Marie tribe of Chippewa Indians, American Indian Health and Family Services. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. In an era of reconciliation, they're political statements meant to recognize First Nations, Inuit, and Mtis territory, however many Indigenous people argue they've grown to become superficial, performative and problematic. Meadow Brook Staff of Public Environmental Wellness, Land Acknowledgment Committee), Deborah Vanderlinde (Associate Professor of Music Education, School of Music, Theater, and Dance), Elizabeth Wallis (Cherokee, Associate Dean, University Libraries), Nivedita Mukherji (Interim Associate Provost, Faculty Affairs), Noelle Mongene (Anishinaabe, Graduate Student at OU). Its a view shared by many Indigenous scholars and activists, though they might have different ideas on what constitutes sufficient action. Among the many reasons for adopting the statement is the need for Oakland University to demonstrate a public show of respect to Native peoples who have been WebOne example of an opening land acknowledgement was: We acknowledge that The University of Michigan, named for Michigami, the worlds largest freshwater system and located in the Huron River watershed, was formed and has grown through connections with the land stewarded by the Niswi Ishkodewan Anishinaabeg: The Three Fires People who The Stanford Native American Cultural Centerdescribes the history of the land where the main campus was built as well as information about the current presences of different tribal members on campus. That doesn't always have to be something that is public, either, he said. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. WebA land acknowledgment is a traditional custom in many Native communities and nations to show respect to the people of the land since time immemorial. I really hope that Native issues are centered in classroom conversations and that more students and faculty understand the history of this land and how it continues to impact their own relationships with Native lands. We recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations, for historic Indigenous communities in Michigan, for Indigenous individuals and communities who live here now, and for those who were forcibly removed from their Homelands. "Not just saying that we're scoring a brownie point on our Truth andReconciliation Commission report card. The Morrill Act, which enabled the Land Grant system, was passed in the same year as both the Homestead Actgranting 160 acres to individual settlers who improved and farmed land in the Westand the largest mass hanging in the history of the United States, the state-sanctioned murder of thirty-eight Dakota. The statement also serves as a reminder to connect with those people groups in tangible ways. Rochester, Michigan 48309-4481, About CBC Indigenous spoke with five First Nations people about the issues they see, what they expect when others make land acknowledgmentsand advice on how they can ring less hollow. WebLand Acknowledgements Map. We recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. "A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials," according to the Native American Institute within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University . We collectively understand that offering Land Acknowledgements or Land Recognitions do not absolve settler-colonial privilege or diminish colonial structures of violence, at either the individual or institutional level. While the process of getting the statement enacted progressed through the OU administration relatively quickly during the winter semester, years of work went on behind the scenes. Again, thank you to the faculty for driving this initiative, pushing for greater recognition and equity for Native peoples, engaging in our broader community, and for being invaluable partners in the ongoing development of our university. and English STEP student Ashleigh Dubie (tribal affiliation, The Land Acknowledgement Committee worked with Deans, , Peiser said. Deel-McKenzie says a land acknowledgment should be seen as a first step one that must be followed by a call to action. The bottom line in terms of Indigenous land acknowledgments is that its one component that raises awareness about Indigenous peoples here in this country in the United States, Deel-McKenzie says. Start working together, Rajaee said. From universities to sports games to city council meetings to Twitter bios, its becoming increasingly common to see statements recognizing that the land on which one is standing once belonged to Indigenous people. We didnt want a watered-down generic statement thats more harmful than not having one at all.. Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten. To ensure they achieved their goals, the group made the language tangible by acknowledging specific Indigenous communities and accurately reflecting history. Maudrie had graduated at that point, so Knutson and Rajaee took the next steps of bringing Indigenous voices into the process of progressing the land acknowledgement. ) WebWHEREAS, land acknowledgments serve to illuminate ongoing indigenous presence, as well as recognize and counter settler-colonial legacies of violence and land expropriation, AND WHEREAS, the purpose of these statements is to show respect and honor the indigenous peoples that this land has been home to since time immemorial,1 AND I spoke with Tara at an American Indian Health and Family Services event, at which she told me about writing it for [Harpers] class, Associate Professor of English Andrea Knutson said. By recognizing the ways that settler-colonial institutions benefit from these interconnected histories, we work to hold the University accountable. We promise to do a better job in the future, says Lambert, who is an enrolled citizen of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. But it struck him that many Pueblos in the area would dispute those claims and a brief land acknowledgment would oversimplify what was actually a complex and contested history. Most of this work was actually teaching educating those in leadership positions who Native Peoples of Michigan are.. Some land acknowledgments also fail to acknowledge the traumas that accompanied Native people being removed from their lands, Lambert adds. 8. We want to acknowledge the history and land, and honour the Indigenous people who continue to love this land here in Waawiyatanong (Detroit, Michigan). The statement will be displayed on the OU website, eventually integrated into courses on American history, politics, and culture, and, whenever appropriate, delivered at events. Having a Land Acknowledgement is only one step toward building relationships with Native communities. Maudrie had graduated at that point, so Knutson and Rajaee took the next steps of bringing Indigenous voices into the process of progressing the land acknowledgement. She is from Kanesatake in Quebecand is the ambassador and education and mobilization officer for Mikana, a non-profit organization that works for social change by educating different audiences on the realities and perspectives of Indigenous peoples. A shortened land acknowledgement can also be used for email signatures. Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. Another issue Lambert sees in some land acknowledgments is that they can suggest Indigenous peoples and by extension, issues of land dispossession are a relic of the past, when Native communities are living many of these realities today. WebOne example of an opening land acknowledgement was: We acknowledge that The University of Michigan, named for Michigami, the worlds largest freshwater system and located in the Huron River watershed, was formed and has grown through connections with the land stewarded by the Niswi Ishkodewan Anishinaabeg: The Three Fires People who In American Indian and Indigenous Studies, we recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations (Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, and Sault Ste. Megan and Ashleigh both contributed, but [there was still this question of] how do we create this with a larger community having input? Nahanee is Swxw7mesh (Squamish) from Eslha7an (Ustlawn) in B.C. Web*Land acknowledgement: Detroit occupies the contemporary and ancestral homelands of three Anishinaabe nations of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. Eds. Deel-McKenzie says a land acknowledgment should be seen as a first step one that must be followed by a call to action. In AIIS, we push Michigan State University to recruit, retain, and support American Indian and Indigenous students, faculty, and staff. In recognizing the history and respecting the sovereignty of Michigans Indian Nations, Oakland University honors the heritage of Indigenous communities and their significant role in shaping the course of this region. So for this issue, we begin by doing a territory acknowledgement for the place from which the magazine comes. In an era of reconciliation, land acknowledgments are meant to recognize First Nations, Inuit and Mtis territory, but many Indigenous people argue theyve grown to become superficial, performative and problematic. He notices a similar lack of nuance in the ways people determine whose land theyre on. Consistent with our values of community and inclusion, we have a responsibility to acknowledge, honor and makevisible the universitys relationship to Native peoples. In recognizing the history and respecting the sovereignty of Michigans Indian Nations, Oakland University honors the heritage of Indigenous communities and their significant role in shaping the course of this region. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. WebWe recognize that Land Acknowledgements must be preceded and followed with ongoing and unwavering commitments to American Indian and Indigenous communities. The land was ceded in the 1807 Treaty of Detroit and makes up southeast Michigan. Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli, a dance and drum community circle, performs a land acknowledgment in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on March 8, 2021. For universities, it might be offering free tuition for Indigenous students, and for corporations, it might be committing to hire Native people in leadership positions. We recognize that settler and Indigenous signatories understood the terms of the treaties in starkly different terms. This is important when extending and personalizing a given acknowledgment statement. We acknowledge that Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg the Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. The statement serves as a reminder that the land we occupy is stolen and that we should honor the And once you start getting together, you can start making things happen., Positive space: Singer, actress Kennedy Vernengo, How students are celebrating Valentines Day. We need scholarships for Native students we need to hire more Native faculty We need a cross-departmental program for Native students and settler students in Native arts, ecology and more. As a result, the organization started getting hundreds of inquiries from people who were interested in doing land acknowledgments of their own, says Apryl Deel-McKenzie, program manager for Native Governance Center. It feels like a box checking activity, like people are doing it to signal their politics, says Len Necefer, an Indigenous studies scholar and founder and CEO of the apparel and media company NativesOutdoors. In AIIS, we push Michigan State University to recruit, retain, and support American Indian and Indigenous students, faculty, and staff. We pledge to elevate our ways of knowing to better reflect the sustainable practices and peaceful coexistence that has allowed our beloved university to thrive. Britt Rios-Ellis, Executive VP, Academic Affairs & ProvostGlenn McIntosh, Senior VP, Student Affairs & Chief Diversity Officer, Native American Advisory Committee - OU Representatives, Oakland University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan, Amy Banes-Berceli (Interim Associate Provost, Operations), Ashleigh Dubie (Cherokee, English-STEP Student, Land Acknowledgment Committee), Andrea Knutson (Associate Professor, English, Land Acknowledgment Committee), Megan Peiser (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Assistant Professor of English, Land Acknowledgment Committee), Mozghon Rajaee (Assistant Professor, Dept. To show respect to the people of the land so well `` would! ) in B.C taking care of the land was ceded in the Treaty. Honor Native Americans Native American history Month or some other activity institutions benefit from these interconnected,... 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