He probably has been doing this since they were tiny ass children, so Iwaizumi has a lot of practice. once again, apologies :(((. alex will find random things for magnus like cool rocks or sticks and magnus adores them. When people challenge Alex's genderfluidity, Magnus always jumps to her defense, even though he knows she's perfectly capable of handling herself. alex is constantly texting magnus. Alex and Adrian on go on a car ride! Alex being really really in love with Magnus, but s/he won't admit it to him/herself nor anyone else, and Magnus being really in love with him/her too, but he doesn't want to act on it because he's sure that he'll be decapitated if he says anything. Also i put fitz in a convenient position so you can't see the feet. #alex Jun wrecks Min's Minecraft world & she takes it out on story Jun. Alex likes to play with Magnus' hair all the time. Alex may be jokingly mean to him but underneath all that shes this celestial body bursting in the seems of a mortal vessel who seems to have the most insightful ideas and Magnus loves listening to her talk, Listen I know Alex has that pink/green aesthetic but on his masculine days hes probably always stealing something from Magnus just for the sake of being OTP because Alex takes pride in the fact that theyre a fucking cute couple, They probably make themselves OTP of the century and then start some kind of weird OTP competition at Valhalla and no one takes part in it so theyre dumbasses and say that they won and literally no one cares, They literally make trophies for themselves DHDJFBFJFN, I think Magnus actually starts questioning his gender identity too and probably asks Alex for advice, He starts wearing more feminine clothing and Alex is like , Listen I fucking love the concept of people stealing clothes from each other so the same applies here. They think its really funny to go back in the same stores they were in a minute ago and watch the gears in the clerks heads turn. well, magnus is a frog gay, alex is half frog half snake gay. when their first big anniversary came alex wentoh weve been together for this long. and magnus wenthuh. Because I love you. This book is ongoing, and I always appreciate suggestions and requests in the comments. Sooo soo sooo much ,its amazing . IM CLAIMING THIS URL" and i nabbed it and here we are ever since!!! Percy Jackson | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance X Female Reader X Male Reader X Gender Neutral Reader Dr Stone. Because of the difference in love languages, Magnus sometimes feels undervalued in the relationship like Alex just needs someone to kiss and hold and hes the most convenient person. Its their favorite hobby. (These headcanons were written by both Ashley and Marie), -Magnus is so oblivious like Alex will blatantly flirt with him and hell be like thx Alex I think youre a great buddy too and when hes staring at her and she points it out hes like nOOOooOOOo what are you talking about I was just looking at the pattern on your shirt not staring definitely not staring. The floor 19 crew is not buying his bullshit when he says he doesnt have a crush on Alex. It takes him a dozen times before hed comfortable just holding Alex in human form. #boyxgirl It will not in any way affect the plot of each oneshot, just the overall quality of writing. #fanfiction I'd better not hear a SINGLE word about how I drew magnus. This just a bunch of random one-shots that I wrote . I take full liberties on all of the angst tho. But if Magnus were to take the floor and simply sayMommy and Daddy issues, I do think Alex would spontaneously combust. WE NEED TO BE BACK IN TIME FOR POTTERY 101!! Now he keeps dying from suffocation and drowning in his own blood. They start a book club together! Wow, I have a crush. Yeah that-Whenever Alex is frustrated shell lock her door and stay in there making pottery, taping pictures of Magnuss face on the failures, and then breaking it (I just thought this one was funny ok)-she gives him a very meticulously crafted piece and hes so like wow. They go camping together fairly often. here's where all of the drabbles, oneshots, headcanons, series, etc. okay those are all i can think of rn, im so bad at couple headcanons lmao, but i hope you like them!!! "Also, I would've freaked out from so much physical contact. Anon 2: Magnus/Alex Malex (??) they spend hours in museums, looking at different artworks and artifacts. you will often see them in magnus room just listening to music and falling asleep against each other, and its such a cute sight but also intimidating because usually theyre always ripping each others heads off (literally), alex constantly makes fun of magnus for when she chopped his head off likewow that was such a fun day when i saw your head roll around. magnus absolutely hates it. Magnus then looks in Alex's room (since his . Fierrochase. Just imagine Nishinoya yelling "Asahi-san," then pouncing on top of him as Asahi squawks. They make an agreement that Magnus will fall asleep holding Alex in cat or dog or whatever form, and he will wake up holding Alex in human form. and she/he rolls her/his eyes but inside loves it. Son of the Dawn(Ghosts of the Shadow Market): Grimacing as if the introduction were vital information being tortured out of him, the vampire said I am Raphael.. if the show they watch is an action show then theyll just dissect why everything is incorrect. Could be worse. i l o v e the idea of them just spending time together. #alexfierro i got so hit with pipel feelings okay??? Their 'proper' first date is at the food court eating falafel; And starting a food fight; Alex being best friends with Mack Mallory; And just telling Mallory everything and maybe even asking her for advice when Sam is not there ; Alex texting Sam funny pictures of Magnus for blackmail purposes She likes making it whacky colors. Some of the earlier chapters just needed a do-over, for various reasons. Where Magnus always gives fake names and Alex is a barista who tries to spell them as wrong as possible. Also Alex is the last einherji to die at Ragnarok, quite a while after all of his friends perish in the battle and he watches them fall. grabs hand-it mostly isnt CRUCIAL like harnessing power or anything but they do it anyways cause theyre dorks-Although Magnus does insist its because of that at first but then gives up-didnt magnus say hes like.. not a hug person or something. #fierro Alex and Magnus never make their relationship official, but they do make it exclusive after about a year. Please ask before you repost artwork! #thereisalotofcursing. i know ive said this before, but alex braiding magnuss hair is literally my fav thing to think about. Yes!! alex actually doesnt get cold easily, but she often makes that her excuse to cuddle next to magnus becauselover boy, its really fuckin cold and you are really fuckin warm. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. At the same time, two gods have to relive their traumatizing experiences with their foes to be able to combat the evil that they bring. She can tell what her sister is going to say before the words come out of her mouth. Alex is Gray Aro and maybe Asexual. #norsemythology Discover more posts about mango-cheese. Chase Sibling Headcanons These are random, dumb and completely made up because I can! Ask box is open!! hes got a genderfluid one and trans one for alex, a rainbow one, a bi flag, a pan flag, all of em. Fierrochase Fanfics - Short Headcanons (filler chapter ahaha) Big collection of Fierrochase oneshots. places where they can look around and/or make fun of things together!!! not shelper but piper, after jasons death she died part of her hair blue because he was her friend and like of course his death was hard on her. Magnus says "I love you" first, but it isn't even on purpose, he says it in his sleep. Alex buys flowers for Magnus, Maggie is all flustered and red, Alex says, "You're an idiot, Magpie." It's utterly sweet and also really hilarious. #hotelvalhalla shes also teaching him, slowly. Fic takes place in Post-BoO to Post-ToA (Right before they leave for Tartarus. 3. hey guys so i just wrote another one-shot for shelper!! Im basically twelve, Alec continued, who was totally eleven. Aug 26, 2022 - Page 2 Read Headcanons and funny fluffy stuff from the story Fierrochase Fanfics by attractv_alex_fierro (ELLA) with 3,979 reads. Only one girl in red song. And it makes pipers day, They probably have sleep overs at each others houses all the time, Piper comes out to their dad pretty early about their sexuality (as for gender identity, I think shes still grappling with that so she doesnt talk to him about it until some time later) and when Tristan sees Piper hanging out with Shel a lot after finding out theyre queer hes like piper do you have something to say , Piper and shel met on pipers first day at school while in the drama room because Piper 100% probably starts getting into theater (I think her dad kind of influenced her. Alex assures the rest of Floor 19 that there is a difference. Theres a kind of insecurity in their relationship. alex pretends to throw all of his pots away, but shes actually got them in a line by her bed. Gram. Hilarity ensues. They occasionally swap clothes sometimes in the middle of outings. If youre looking for headcanons, here you go!! @bakedbanannerss Fierrochase Week Day 3: Earth & Craft! 1. we are such amazing friends and then alex screams into oblivion-Magnus also comes into terms with his sexuality and realizes hes extremely pansexual(I hc both magnus and alex as pan tbh)-Suprisingly, Magnus ends up initiating the first kiss. They often ride to school together so shel is always like one song. ?, PFFT THEY PROBABLY PULL OFF A GAY ROMEO AND JULIET TOGETHER (but only with their friends and not for like the whole school to see), alex is into like all kinds of music (like i literally cant pin her down to just one genre??? The solution? #magnus This can sometimes lead to arguments (Stop buying me things, Alex. Encore et encore, ils avaient vcu lhorreur, staient prpar au Ragnark.La violence qui avait faonn les ges passs au Walhalla ntait que dtail.Le Ragnark tait pire. Let me dream) for Christmas and Alex gets so excited s/he forgets . They are BIG on kissing. Your headcanons may be different, but I'm analysing what's in front of me). hes got a collection in his room or all the things alex has found for him. How will they save the world? Shelper is lesbian goth x sanrio bi solidarity. riordanverse-dorphin. The reason I like Fierrochase is because they respect each other, unlike Solangelo. I also don't own the cover art nor any media I may use. Let me dream) for Christmas and Alex gets so excited s/he forgets where they are: the floor 19 common area, and kisses Magnus right there in front of everyone without giving a single fucking fuck. Magnus Chase falls in love with Alex Fierro. They've finished the Lightning Thief. But eventually Kuroo drags him to the mall. Magnus likes painting Alexs pottery. Spin-off/bonus chapter of FierroChase Baby. #fluffy they have tickle fights. #magnuschase Hope y'all like it! alex and magnus like to go to cat shelters and just sit there for hours, playing with the kitties for a while. Shes lost count how many times shes turned into a sugar glider at this point -alex is SO not subtle about it and the tension is SO VERY CLEAR but alex could be like magnus chase, here i am flirting with you and hes like uhuh so - wait"whcih makes her more nervous -One day Magnus gets this idea and makes this friend gift He makes these bracelets, one is green and the other is pink (They match that pink and green shirt she was wearing when I first met her isnt this such a sentimental gift for my FRIEND). for them will reside! They never become big on being public. Like yes they didnt like Tristan being gone all the time but I think even piper is curious about her abilities in acting) and when she sees shel theyre just like omg??? i believe they are all present and in order but if something doesn't line up just let me know . I take full liberties on all of the angst tho. AND YES PLEASE I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE FANART. Magnus was never able to shake some of the things he saw, even though he promised not to look into her, he still did see a couple things about Alex (in canon). Magnus and Alex previously knew each other before Valhalla, as they were both homeless. When witches and wizards discover their powers as gods and demigods, and when the gods enter a dire situation, they call on the same witches and wizards who have to discover and learn their powers fast to be able to combat the forces that try to destroy them and the other earthly pantheons. Jason Grace is dead. BUT they are NEVER physically affectionate in public. 46 notes Dec 7th, 2020. ).So she created a band. She always does it quickly, so Magnus is okay with it. Cleaning up after dinner in Valhalla: Sam: Alex can you pick up the trash by table 19?Sam: ALEX PUT MAGNUS DOWNAlex:awww :(*Just using it as an excuse to hug Magnus*. Tried to label her gender and sexuality for a long time but eventually just gave up when they found out unlabeled was a thing. theyll totally have fashion shows. The songfic no one asked for :3. He has decided to not run away, and not to succumb and become one with the shadows. They're writing it self-insert style (but writing for each other would be super cool). Hidden away under the sea, these eight powerful demigods have only just begun getting used to each other, let alone are prepared for the book to come. Magnus takes advantage of lace code in his combat boots. #rickriordan They have very different love languages from each other (Magnuss are quality time and acts of service whereas Alexs are physical touch and gifts). ", EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Thousands of fierrochase fans, and u got lucky. Text. A legendary sword once used by Sigurd herself to slay the dragon Fafnir has been missing for over five-hundred years. He doesnt have strong opinions on his own physical appearance, so he lets her. (Note: This is in canon. 78 notes. (i am not the best at making headcanons so sorry), why are you sorry??? Yo, could I pls have some Fierrochase headcanons? A reading the books fic! #fierrochase *sweats nervously* I- uh- I dont know any sweater?? ), Honestly when I think about shelper I constantly think about girl in red but I feel like shel probably hates girl in red but Piper loves her. fierrochase or shelper(also i am going to post some shelper art. Some of the earlier chapters just needed a do-over, for various reasons. Their proper first date is at the food court eating falafel, And just telling Mallory everything and maybe even asking her for advice when Sam is not there, Alex texting Sam funny pictures of Magnus, Alex falls asleep on Magnus lap once and he doesnt know what to do so he just sits there for, Magnus loves wearing a pink sweater Alex accidentally left in his room, What sweater??? But that is to be expected of course. I love this boy with all my heart and I have so many thoughts about him skdkjdsl ToN confirmed he can glow, but when he was 7 years old he walked into his mom's room after a nightmare only for her to freak out because what the hell why is there a glowing child walking towards me at two in the gods damned morning tumblrs rag system sucks so here are these: (i would love it if the wiki actually provided more of a description), BUT AHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE I FUCKIN LOVE IT YESYESYYSE, shel loves picking up piper because of the i can carry buff girlfriend!!!!!!. Alex wears the different bracelets depending on her pronouns that day and she loves it-he catches himself thinking about her a lot and hes like what the fresh fuck but he insists its platonic-Magnus, talking to Sam: Oh wow Alex is so great like have you seen her shes so beautiful and that hair is so cool and shes always making sarcastic remarks and its kinda cute ya know? Action Fanfiction Fantasy Alex Magnus Fierrochase. thank you so much for these wonderful headcanons!! We have detailed information including the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books series, The Heroes of Olympus book series, The Lightning Thief movie, Graphic Novels, and more. sometimes if they arent in a great mood magnus will just read to alex. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to suffer the same . Just so y'all know: anyone is free to use any of my headcanons to write something. Magnus literally never gets killed by any other einherjar on the battlefields of Valhalla b/c Alex gets her revenge on anyone who does. Just "Iwa chan~" then clinging onto Iwaizumi like sum koala. and magnus gives me very indie/punk style vibes. aquariums!! in museums they like to look at war artifacts, and they take pictures to show tj jr and halfborn to ask if they are accurate or not. Alex Fierro knows, without a doubt, that shes never going to forgive herself for this. Magnus and Alex will occasionally go on midnight runs to grocery stores and they'll vandalize buildings belonging to people they don't like. Piper and Shel constantly steal clothing from each other. #otp #valhalla Alex buys flowers for Magnus, Maggie is all flustered and red, Alex says, "You're an idiot, Magpie." then kisses him, and Magnus gets even more flustered and red. or magnus will put on whatever song is billboard no 1 call me by your name and get alex to dance with him. I feel like magnus went through a lot, but never rly properly lost it, yk? Please consider turning it on! they break up constantly; like more than the usual Valhalla couple; they haven't gone more than a year without breaking up; but they always get back together within a week; people get so sick of it ; then kisses him, and Magnus gets even more flustered and red. !, And Frey at first is a little wary but he eventually gets comfortable, Alex and Magnus pranking during April fools, Because you know, TJs dad is the god of vengeance, they just got pranked back very badly, Alex being both the male and female model for Blitzens Best, And Magnus gets flustered everytime Alex models, Watching over Sam and Amirs / Percy and Annabeths children, Magnus feeling a little down because they cant grow old together or have kids. The Sum of Our Choices: The Battle of the Labyrinth by TheTimeTraveler24 Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan Teen And Up Audiences; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply #gayaf Or maybe half Latina? places where they can look around and/or make fun of things together!!! (These headcanons were written by both Ashley and Marie) -Magnus is so oblivious like Alex will blatantly flirt with him and he'll be like "thx Alex I think you're a great buddy too" and when he's staring at her and she points it out he's like "nOOOooOOOo what are you talking about I was just looking at the pattern on your shirt . All the things alex has found for him tried to label her Gender sexuality... 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