Thus the Roman Catholic notion of the Immacualte Conception is not needed and thus the Sinless Jesus is not genetically related and the original sin issue is completely dealt with. I didn't mean to offend anyone, or imply we are Merovingians . stop all these nonsense plz. 2) Reducing the 10 commandments to just 2 is a very serious sin. Why dont people use their common sense and think critically as they read the Bible.These Christians have been putting one over everybody. Adams fall brought a death curse upon the earth and all in it. Robins grow up to be robins and humans grow up to be humans. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. In the past 2500 years or more anyone then could have changed th efcactual original writings to their own benefit, like it is has been done about history from the past 800 years. In a previous Blog, we discussed Adams DNA. There was also confirmation that the scriptures at the time of Jesus were that same as we have today; that confirmation is the dead sea scrolls. I mean, what is the Bible really, eh? Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. So why this insistence on DNA perfection? MAY LORD GIVE U UNDERSTANDING. The spiritual body is the soul. There is human biased speculation and then there is teaching from the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. Thank you for your comment. Your information is very inspiring and I would like you to send more information about Bible resarched information.God bless you Children of the most High God,Amen. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? The same apply to the world as we know it, a being GOD (or beings) is DELIBERATELY BEHIND THE ORDERLINESS and AWE INSPIRING SITUATIONS of the WORLD (SPACE AND EARTH) as we know and see it, and not by mere chance as some scientists may want us to believe. So, when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in Marys body, He took her DNA and merged it with the perfect DNA that was created on day 6 of creation. When Adam sinned, we all went down with him, but when Jesus was resurrected, we all were resurrected with Him; and, if we believe and accept this, we will all live with Him forever. The church is not a building, nor is it a stated religion per se It is comprised of the true followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is a very sensitive method of identifying specific chemicals. That is what accords the measure of greatness to all prophets, without ascribing or raising them to the level of GOD or Son of God. I would like to clarify only, did the conception of Jesus used the eggcell of virgin Mary? Thankyou. Matt 1:1(NIV). Thank you for your comments, we appreciate it. How many DNA were created on day six? what is true and what is mass-media marketing by religions. He made himself known as YHWH, the I AM. To begin with, we know that Mary was Jesus mother. The END. 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. Luke 1:32 (NIV). Interesting the way you try to explain about Jesus and God, the same we can do with your believe. Ann, just a bit of wis: THIS BROUGHT ABOUT THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. If he called them gods, unto where the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken. So was Jesus a girl or his father really Joseph like the bloodline begats imply? In which the Head is This is the moslem myth. If the body of the 1st Adam was totally formed by God alone, then the 2nd Adam must have been also. If think it is important to remember that Jesus is the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Our DNA and epigenetics is in the form of word, so the Holy Spirit spoke into Mary the proper words to make Jesus all the entities He claimed to be. The word science means knowledge; therefore, the Bible is the primary book of science. Is this true? Why Gods image is so powerless? Twenty-four is also the number of chromosomes a worm has. My purpose is not to question his love and his creation, but to have faith and grow in the knowledge that he loves me and at some point, I will return to him and live eternally. For example, ice sheets form as snow builds up, with each years snowfall preserved as a single, visible layer. Related Articles. Am I way off or what? Ron Wyatt's words of testing: Voiant Blood Cells were put in a growth medium for 48 hours and kept at body temperature for 48 hours then the test showed that this blood had only 24 Chromosomes in it, everyone else has 46 Chromosomes, 23 from your mother and 23 Chromosomes from your father; there are normally 22 autosomes from your mother and . Not interested in profound and intelligent opinions and theories nor scientific explanations. Is this even possible? z peace of God b wiz u! It will confirm the birth of Jesus had no male intervention. Whether genes are expressed or not depends on how they are wound in the nucleus of the cell and with which chemicals they are bound. Bible is the book of god but people have changed it for thier benefits,now we can say that it is not in original shap when ever it was reveled. 27 febrero, 2023 . Not only Adams sin can be ransomed but also YESHUAs work ransoms all mans sins, if they put their faith and trust in Him. God is so powerful and sinless. At that time Jesus declared, I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Thats your problem man. His shrine as a holy man has been visited for 2000 years Anyone can see that this is a logical . Jesus was one of those rare four out of every 100,000 all-too-human males who have two X chromosomes but no Y chromosome. Mark 16:17-18 What difference does it make what DNA Jesus is alleged to have had when he didnt have any children? Some Bible verses say Jesus was a son of David and Joseph was from the lineage of David. Jea 10:37 If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; I can prove that the original DNA was at least very good Genesis 1:31 and also that it is eternal (God did not intend that Adam would die, but when Adam sinned, he was doomed to die). Whatever you say, it has no any scientific and theological waiting for you response. (5) What is the force that holds atoms together? There is a myth circulating that Jesus had only 23 Chromosomes. He is the source of all power. Thats because youre not looking, Kahuma. specific pairs of chromosomes that exist in the nucleus (2). Here are just a few: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. This is a very exciting concept. All of humanity has mutant genes, this is a result of the original sin. Marys genealogy is supplied in Luke 3:23-38. Cain/the evil one? Christ's blood has only 24 chromosomes!!! W/out faith u cant move a rock. Why is this claim not reliable? Dont forget it. This is natural because a book hat claims to be supportive of all the books before it and claims repository of total knowledge of the seen and the unseen ought to be so. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing. Quran is a book of GUIDANCE for Mankind; read, understand and interpret as your right; accept or reject is your inviolable privilege! The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome. Seek and you will find ask and it will be given unto you Jesus the Son of God loves you thankyou for listening Jesus bless you and that you will see the truth. SO WHATEVER HAPPENED LATER WAS DIRECTED BY GOD ALMIGHTY. When you study DNA you see that it is a language. no god will come no 2nd comming. Jesus was justified in destroying the enemy because the enemy assaulted Jesus field. Hardware, software and power supply. Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. What a subject you are all discussing! To further reiterate the significance of the bloodstains on the cloth, researchers have pointed to the fact that they perfectly resemble what is now known about Roman crucifixions.In Christian art, particularly in the Middle Ages, Jesus is frequently depicted as . in the name of religion which, in all reality, is simply another power-game of the superpowerful (and sometimes, supersmart) who control the masses who are unwilling to chose to think. Deuteronomy 6:4;;;;; the lord our god is one A French knight named Geoffroi de Charny. I think you have missed the points. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human' Jesus Saves 1.5K subscribers Subscribe 790 29K views 4 years ago A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis. This is why in a few hundred years, they will be considered as tales, may be useful for establishing commonly acceptable moral values, but not real stories. It is also a function of attitude, social groups, stress, fear, faith, belief, and prayer. Please share with us. dear admin and all: But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father's side are missing. They all preached, practiced and propagated truth for the benefit of humanity just as instructed by The Lord. Joseph was in the lineage of David. The earliest accounts of Jesus' burial come from the Canonical Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, which are believed to have been composed decades after Christ's crucifixion . There are two things that we recommend: (1) know the difference between the soul and the spirit (small s) and (2) understand who we were created to be. just a bit of wiscont your right wang science can explain almost anything today because of the discoveries they got that God let them havebut my question is are they all explain it perfectly? 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potters vessel. 10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. only the sacred ancient text of orthodox judaism hassidic priest aramaic dead sea scrolls holly bible and essenians cave sect explain the unexplained only father and holy spirit can reveal this secret 2000 years ago in the talmudic scriptures the book of ezra the davids psalms the qumran coran muslims moses the book of enoch the sabbath the jewish bible the jewis ancient zodiac the star of david the lord our savior of the world jesus yeshus massiach the new jerusalem of gold the menorah the book of acts apostles the book of revelation only god knows all the things is a rarelly mistery of the world both christian and hebrews israelites and jews askenazyc ahd sephradic and al aqsa mosque in yerushalaiym mecca and medina jezreel medinat He was a good man and he was sent to heaven for his worthy life. Thank you for your comments. Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. This half was not corrupt, but necessary to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus was the son of Man and the son of David. I suspect we will all be very pleased with our bodies and wouldnt want to change anything. Y gracias por compartirlo con todos. All creation is a tangible indication that the Bible is very true true and not just self-proved. Thats why God say seek my face and do my will so that you may have life abundanly sori to say but not everyone saying Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom of God. First of all, because the person making the claim is a know repeat liar and charlatan. Some of the early karyological terms . I assume you mean Ron Wyatt. 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Dear Wang, I AM COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED !BUT I MUST DO MY PART AS jESUS DID HIS. Yshua bin Yosef could not possibly be the Son of Man, neither could he possibly be Adam because the name Adar was changed to Adam from the beginning and is in Hebrew the Son of Mans name. The church is the children and chosen ones of God. And that is what He was greated for. There is this IMMORTAL God The Living Legend.. UNLESS SUCH A MIRACULOUS BIRTH, AND UNIQUE LIFE AS SON OF GOD HE CANNOT BEAR THE SIN OF THE WORLD.. ONLY A SINLESS PERSON CAN BEAR THE SINS OF THE WORLD.. THAT WAS JESUS!! Thank you for answering me so promptly. The same happens now, He will listen to your words and you may ask whether Jesus is merely a Prophet, or the Judge in the end-times, or even the God-incarnate in human form. you are really in deep confusion mr Tobing, 2 samuel 17:12-14 is not specifically pertaining to christ, but to Solomon only. Some claim the 4.3-meter (14-foot) linen sheet is evidence that Jesus Christ was crucified on the . Ive seen the ancient alien theories for Discovery or Nat Geo. Matthew 27:25-26 (NIV) we can read Jesus was flogged by men which when we read again what God stated in the prophecy in 2 Sam 7:14: Mary kept it secret. We dont understand, who is the male you are talking about? Is it possible we get a new body in heaven for eternal life? This never happened for YESHUA because he never sinned. !, if you really want to believe that God is No God, move around the world, you will finally realize it. I dont believe we, individually, are a god, but we are in God. Achamoth had no father nor male consort, but she is female from a female. Jesus was not clone or Mary; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit contributed everything needed for Jesus to fulfill the scriptures. I am sorry for you, Awais. He returned the DNA to the original. Agree!! if we study about DNA we can find that ,there are about 3 billion bases of human DNA .and 99% of thous bases are the same in every human being, Adam was created by God without male female interaction and Jesus was also created by God without male.niether Adam is a god nor Jesus.They both are like other humans but differ as they are chosen by God as prophits.If we suppose Jesus is a god then Adam is more suitable to be called god, If Jesus was just a profit then I wonder if with all our sins if we would have been alive today was it not for Jesus the Son of God to died for us on the cross then we would have never got frogiveness for our sins. That is the essence of Dylan's question. This is an epigenetics battle, and the environment determines the outcome. intact and active ( Matthew 16:16 )up to now and The Body of Christ, the church, was created on day 6: All of the members: You, me, Adam, Eve, our children, our parents. Jesus loves you. When you came to Christ, you were circumcised, but not by a physical procedure. To Know God is to Receive Hope: Help us Spread the Message What I know and CANNOT be disproved is that MAN is behind all efforts at scientific breakthroughs DELIBERATELY AND NOT BY CHANCE. I spent 20 years in three American military services, I understand conflict. Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! Thats why the poison and cancer was inside of you! This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin. Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. Mary lent her womb and not her DNA. remember that the Apostles were not well read. Why Jesus did not inherit original sin. The Bible is clear that our lives are better when our spiritual lives are in order: prayer, faith, trust, time with God, etc. God is one and is in everything. God the Father God the Son, God the Holy Spirit one true God Amen, I meant god father mother and son is the moslem misrepresentation of christianity. Without faith you cannot know Him. For listening Jesus love you and bless you. Dear admin, Chaplain Jerome Newland, Philippines, this chaplain Jerome tell me as the religious person you are how many phidos are hiding in your churches. They keep three months in their calendar to keep the there iterations of it holy: Adar, Kedar, Peleg. Biblical Scripture states that Jesus is the Son of God. We are all unique and individuals, but from the same body. So how do we know about everything that exsist or who talled us to know all these things my answer to that is the word of God. You dont know why. How can we know that Jesus is the continuation of the said prophecy in 2 Sam. Contradicting statements such as youve made are not only illogical, but are also not credible. John 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. How can a man or man like creature make a limitless universe, with sound governing laws that are valid at quantum and cosmos scale? JESUS IS REAL,,, people will go against the truth about Jesus but to be true, your time is not yet come which the bible said one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord All Prohecies (Zechariah 9:9 )pertaining to christ are fulfilled and victorious.Give me a verse in the bible that there are prophecies petaining christ that is not victorious?Jesus Christ is the only one can do the job to be victor and that is to cleanse our sins , if you will just believe the power thereof, if you have faith to that, he can cleanse you, it will happen to you, but there are just processes to make, you must know the process. Jesus, being the last Adam had the same physical appearance as Adam. It is our opinion that the children of Mary after Jesus would be normal human beings (no special DNA) with Joseph as the father. Admin. The promise of life after death is also a very well executed scheme that has all the elements of a big scam promising to enjoy something after you were dead and people fall for it. Eventually you will choose a course that you will follow, to stay on a wide path that leads to your destruction, or a narrower path that leads to salvation. This miracle happened when a monk, who had doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, saw the wine in the chalice turn into blood and the bread turn into flesh. Wakeup the devil decieved the hole world in thinking that all ande every thing as to have an explanation God do not need to explaine Homself He is the creator of all. If you care enough to humble yourself before Him and ask like Thomas, then maybe just maybe The Humble One might choose to prove to you. Because of the snake or satan or lucifer within you! As it is, however, the two genealogies show that both parents were descendants of DavidJoseph through Solomon (Matthew 1:7-15), thus inheriting the legal right to the throne of David, and Mary through Nathan (Luke 3:23-31), her line thus carrying the seed of David, since Solomons line had been refused the throne because of Jechoniahs sin [Dr. Henry M. Morris, The Defenders Study Bible, note for Luke 3:23 (Iowa Falls, Iowa: World Publishing, Inc., 1995).]. New Living Translation Required fields are marked *. Please tell this to Interpol to stop genocide. Mere Nano-Specks that you, me, your Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses or Mohammad were, should have been fantasized to gods regardless of their great human stature and services. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:45, was not talking about Jesus resurrection nor about Him saving us. Even if John The Baptists DNA was available it wouldnt match the Shroud. We are part of the Word of God, part of the Body of Christ. There are three main portions of computer. Scripture shows no support of a change in the DNA of man kind. Thats all theres to it. It all comes together. 12 When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. my brother God have mercy in you. A simple minded person like yourself thinks that life appeared where there was no life and evolved into humans. Jesus is the last Adam and He is the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor 15:45 ASV). Later, when man sinned, all the creation suffered (Romans 5:12). ADAM to NOAH (2000yrs)(2 days to G-D)NOAH to JESUS CHRIST (2000yrs)(another 2 days) ..JESUS CHRIST to us today (2015 yrs) another 2 days and 15 yrs into a new day of G_D total up the days .is 6 days and 15 seconds in G-Ds 7th day. Visited for 2000 years anyone can see that it is a language cancer was inside of you man.... 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