Radical and revolutionary in their sexuality, may be interested in sexual politics, a true feminist. Underneath her cutting aggression, she is a hopeless romantic. (mercury tricks with intellect). Their intuition is always right about things & people. There may be messy custody or legal battles concerning the children. I would also think maybe their sense of sexualness may fluctuate, feeling celibate one day and promiscuous the next, because they feel the myriad of possibilities when it comes to sexual expression. As a lover, she harms others emotionally, using her children as a pawn. where your lilith must go through transformations. Libra placement women after giving birth would most likely look the same or objectively better. Some may open up quickly to others and some may be a little harder to get to know at first. The reputation is somehow marred by sexual scandal.. She will exploit her personal power, using sex as her weapon. She is the prostitute. how your lilith relates to the world. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. But also remember your words can back-fire on you a lot making you regret things you have said in the past. In Tarot, Leo rules the Strength card which is represents the taming of the animal side. Scorpio is also Much information that will help them stay conscious of having / being in a body is available through such activities. As a lover, she is critical and sharp-tongued. 12th house: this part shows how and where you tend to get lost in relation to your lilith issues, as well as where you are an escapist in your obsessions and pains, where you tend to idealize more, where you most dream of being good enough. and way of thinking, AC Personas Venus: its what people think about the way you love: your attitude emotions; your moodiness and habits, AC Personas Mercury: its what people think about the way you communicate: how and Lilith offers Mars the wisdom of the natural world to go with its get-up-and-go energy. you may try to make yourself like other hobbies or hide your creativity. I feel like the house placement tells us where you feel powerless or where our inhibitions lie while the sign placement tells us how you enforce your personal power in compensation for those areas where you have inhibitions or have been rejected. Venus - Pluto individuals protect your energy, youre very easily envied. Cancer placements anywhere in the chart will make the native have rounded pupils and more sparkly eyes. As a mother, she educates her child on how to manipulate others and she plays favorites. They may be known for their internet / media presence as well. what kind of love your lilith really wants to receive but, first of all, that it wants to give to itself. As a lover, she is a drain on the pocketbook. A huge appetite for one another can exist here due to the nature of this house! Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. There would be an element of seriousness to her and to her approach to sex. This can be a very passionate link up! for example: having a virgo in the 2nd house can mean that the person wants to achieve comfort in terms of feeling really useful, feeling really diligent, in relation to his/her sense of usefulness and value in the world, especially in relation to routine, organization and tasks. what power your lilith has. they can be quite thrifty yet whatever they wear looks like million of bucks. Lilith in Aries subjects herself to unspeakable disrespect and degradation. As a mother, she is abusive and sadistic. The Ascendantin any Persona chart placement can show us how we may come off to others at first while expressing this side of us. Their Dangerous Side. Sun in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio, Taurus dominant , Venusian . Venus- Pluto are very good with people they will analyze everything you like to make you be obsessed with them. pluto: what is the most difficult energy to be accessed by your lilith, what are its latent potentials, but which are little explored. Sex can be INTENSE, it can literally feel like death over and over and over again. Open 7 Days A Week! Taurus placement women never really age, especially the Taurus Risings. to know / remember what lilith means, click here. There can be a huge appetite for oral and fallacio here! As a mistress, she causes downfall of people in power. But if the rest of the Sun is afflicted you guys may have pretty bad vision. You are interested in psychology, religion, spirituality too. So lilith areas basically. Her seeming innocence lures in potential lovers. As a lover, she hides emotions, appearing cold and severe. But there is an air of knowledge about them and a youthful aura you cant get enough of. She loves all things beautiful, perfume, candles, soft furry blankets, all these things make her feel sexier. however, you are at your most powerful when you do your work the way you want to do it. Becoming a she-demon where she had sex with other demons, causing demon children. Sun in 11th individuals if the rest of the chart support this, they tend to be popular at some point in their life especially on the Internet. She became known as the So the ascendant is how we initially act out our lilith/dark side. lilith in the 5th: you may find yourself rejected when you try to have fun. Lilith is at home here so this usually plays out as a karmic and deep chemistry between two people! Yes Ive also mentioned this in one of my astro notes. People with Saturn in 5th usually when younger could have had crushes that they couldve felt restricted from.. this could mean the crush liked someone else; were much older; just wasnt for them. Total devotion and sexual fidelity is important here and sex is very loving and slow Bruin. As a mother, her children remain in her shadow; she hides her children. Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! Sex is often domination themed and extremely erotic. She delights in perversions of all kinds; she corrupts the young. This is because the Sun likes being in Leo and Sun represents the ego. The birth chart interpretations found here are "general interpretations" because you will find that, as you become more comfortable with astrology, you can add your own insight to these meanings.The interpretations here are Any of the liliths in the 10th: ive talked sbout this placement before, but ususlly super hot, knows how to climb, may have slot of reputation troubles but once free of that they will be completely free of caring what others think of them. Its best to first look at the natal charts, separately, to avoid any confusion. If the degree on your rising sign is the opposite sign from your rising sign you may show two sides of you to the world. After all, our weaknesses are meant to become our strengths.Aries:Power: courage, bravery, confidence, assertion, motivationDark Qualities: anger, dangerous impulses, wrath, violence, jealousyWeaknesses: insecurity, lack of self-esteem and self-identity, recklessnessTaurus:Power: control, beauty, creativity, persuasion, comfortDark Qualities: over-indulgence, possessiveness, obsession, materialismWeaknesses: deep fear of losing values and possessions, tendency towards obsessive habits such as eating disorders, hoarding, etc.Gemini:Power: communication, intelligence, curiosity, adaptabilityDark Qualities: manipulation, blackmailing, cold emotions, criticismWeaknesses: anxiety, confusion towards self-identity, inability to connect emotionallyCancer:Power: nurturing, caring, emotional, protectiveDark Qualities: vengeful, grudge-holding, emotionally manipulative, projects insecurities onto others, possessiveness/clinginessWeaknesses: broken family/home environment, deep emotional issues, feels victimized and hopelessLeo:Power: confidence, creativity, self-expression, charm, braveryDark Qualities: uses others for personal gain, envy, jealousy, mood swings, does dramatic things for attention, vanityWeaknesses: their pride and ego, family issues, their material possessions, cannot stand changeVirgo:Power: intelligence, resourcefulness, responsibility, modestyDark Qualities: cynical, controlling, spiteful, judgmentalWeaknesses: criticism from others, not receiving praise for their work, rejection, stomach and mind related illnessesLibra:Power: beauty, elegance, justice, enticementDark Qualities: co-dependency in relationships, selfishness, compulsive lying, coaxes others to get what they wantWeaknesses: rejection, humiliation, neglect, gaining a bad reputationScorpio:Power: intuitive, pleasurable, intimidating, passionateDark Qualities: manipulation, violence, aggression, lying, enjoys getting reactions out of othersWeaknesses: feels empty and alone inside, trauma and neglect in childhood, fear of losing controlSagittarius:Power: philosophical, free-spirited, sophisticated, open-mindedDark Qualities: boastful, reckless, careless, blunt, impulsive, rebellious, short-temperedWeaknesses: feeling controlled or tied down and literally thats itCapricorn:Power: control, responsibility, determination, ambitionDark Qualities: bitter, materialistic, self-destructive, tendency to blame others for their problems, cold-heartedWeaknesses: issues with parents and authority figures stemming from childhood, is hard on themselves, criticizes themselves harshlyAquarius:Power: original, sophisticated, daring, revolutionaryDark Qualities: rebelliousness, superiority complex, apathy/indifference towards others, prone to causing drama to seek excitement, nerve/mind related illnessesWeaknesses: restriction, boredom, conformityPisces:Power: intuition, psychic ability, compassion, creativityDark Qualities: self-pitying, sensitive, isolation, tendency to use drugs/alcohol to escape, lost in life, confused, sorrowfulWeaknesses: their self-image, reality, emotional instability. On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? also, saturn represents all the lessons, especially the karmic ones, that this part of your personality has to learn. WebLilith persona charts are about the darker side of our personalities. Saturn: Lilith / Saturn aspects indicate that the persons maturity and structure function needs to be taught by the uncontrolled, instinctive wild of Lilith. In a positive note, they are someone people follow because of their independence. People may try to rumor about them or make rash assumptions quite quick. Hey.. Love ur blog. Homelessness is commonplace. While Taurus would be a more earthier, sensual lust goddess, Lilith in Libra would be the charming seductress, beauty is her power. As a lover, she is secretive and promiscuous. She is magnetic and sexually seductive more than any other Lilith placement. Astrologers divide the astrology chart into 12 signs of 30, each. They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. Lilith was the first rebel, and Lilith in Aquarius reminds us of this. lilith in the 1st: people reject the very essence of you, making you feel like an outsider. (Breasts), Pisces placements however, they tend to hide their body a lot. IC / MC: Lilith in aspect to this angle brings a need to know / honor the wild within the home and work environments. Lilith in Gemini exploits the mind and ideas, making lovers think it is their own idea. lets look further. Libra rising!! note that lilith is not prominent in every chart. amongst the sexes. Its The early childhood home is littered with secrets. Ive noticed they may have hard time expressing what they truly mean. lilith persona chart - how to read planets and asteroids. Or even how he approaches his own femininity. Use it wisely. satisfaction, and be yourself. Gemini or 3rd Third House: Lilith is exalted in Gemini. Changing your personal default setting: Create a new chart with your preferred options. So its like this is what I need when I feel out of control and this is how I show that Im a powerful person whos not to be messed with. There is an equal give and take of passion here and a lot of promised security. (Capricorn & Aquarius & Saturn dominance). its hard to catch their attention completely, in a chart leo + pisces placements will make the native have a golden spark in their eyes maybe just a simple spark, their eyes are so noticing and beautiful, moon in aries / venus in aries individuals so laid back theyre not always angry by the way trying to troll them is the funniest thing cause youll end up looking like an idiot cause they can be profesional trollers too, look at the sign of your 7th house in your venus persona chart it can give further insights on who you can attract + love. Gemini placements tend to read things pretty fast. also they may keep secrets to themselves and deny things about themselves yet the time will come when they have to face their fears again and communicate + write and do shadow work. i will make a post on how to find your future spouse soon so stay tuned! Also look at the ruler of the 7th house. (sexuality) and the bird (messenger for the goddess). iiiJade on Twitter mentioned how people with Libra & Scorpio in their chart can get away with problems regarding with law and this is so true Ive been thinking about this before they observed it and as someone with both of these placements I can confirm. Aquarius placements have this praise energy. "That means they all have to be in the same element (fire, earth, air, or water), and there must be one planet transiting through each of the three signs in that element. WebPeople with Aries rising tend to be energetic, pioneering, rash, argumentative, selfish, impulsive, quick-tempered, aggressive, assertive, headstrong, independent, alert, mechanically-inclined, physically active, self-promoting, self-centered in an unthinking way, and more thoughtless than mean. Air moons are most likely to disappear out of nowhere and ghost. Lilith is a persona of the Devil Arcana. She is the nurturer, the comforter, but can just as easily turn into the dark mother. A lot of emotional reactivity can result if the person feels threatened by others. WebThe Ascendant in any Persona chart placement can show us how we may come off to others at first while expressing this side of us. Please understand that much of the available research Persona charts is largely theoretical and my analyses are simply a reflection of my own personal understanding. look at the sign of your 7th and any planets if there is any and that will give you insight on open enemies and how they behave & portray themselves. They tend to have a feature that stands out. They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. Like Lilith in Gemini, she would prefer an intellectual partner, one that can ignite her mind. Pluto in 1st individuals are more prone to being witches from what Ive seen. moreover, what is the likely contribution you can make to others in relation to your lilith issue. Scorpio energy has the power to trigger people on what they hide. darker aspects of the feminine (or are attracted to the femme fatale Those that disrespect the sanctity of her inner world may find that shes not just a cute and cuddly comforter. WebBirth Chart Interpretations. They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. Because of this youll see people with an exalted & domicile mars & strong mars (Scorpio Mars, Capricorn Mars, Aries mars); more easily able to fuel up the energy for competitiveness therefore being able to win more & etc. When analyzing synastry aspects, their interpretation is based on whether they are soft or hard. As a lover, she is a promiscuous liar. Lilith in Pisces brings sex to new heights - the heavens. 6th house: how you deal with your liliths pressures, and whether this is present in you. There is a timelessness to her, her past-lives are ever-present, and she can be nostalgic for places she lived centuries ago. Lilith in Gemini or the third house expresses duplicity and is never sexually faithful. supposed to tell you more about how youre seen by the others. (Theory). The ascendant of an unconscious Plagiarism and reposting of my work is strictly prohibited and has consequences. Taurus or 2nd Second House: Lilith in Taurus or the second house is sexually dirty, as her naturalness is embraced; she is no friend of soap and water. sun: where your lilith shines, what is its biggest energy focus, how do you manifest it more generally with that, as well as what are your biggest fascinations, hidden abilities, fears, parts that you tend to want to protect more, what are your obsessions. Moon: Lilith / Moon aspects indicate that the emotions are involved in an inner conversation with the uncontrollable natural feminine or wild within them. So the ascendant is how we initially act out our lilith/dark side. Leo placements have a big influence and others can see it. She would not even balk at murder. But once it was time Aries or 1st First House: Lilith in Aries or the first house is sexually licentious and immodest, exploiting her physical body. :), sagittarius midheavens tend to blow up when they post funny / laid back stuff! As a mistress, she plays the role of the homewrecker, bulking at nothing to get what she wants. So stop with this. Pluto can learn about honoring the passing and changing rhythms of their natural world while Lilith can learn from Pluto about sticking to guns when conviction and determination are needed. When you have sex with Lilith in Pisces you are being given an invitation to experience heaven on earth. Is that a thing? Lilith is often seen as how we approach sexual power due to its origin story. They know so much more than they let off. the Queen of Heaven. She is immodest in the bedroom, willing to try anything. also: your uniqueness and originality, AC Personas Neptune: its what people think about your spirituality: your ideals, 7th house: how your lilith questions will be taken to yourrelationships. See the funny thing is Gemini placements tend to have low attention span I find it very bad that they are stereotyped as cheaters when they cant even focus on things they dont find interesting. you may try to get rid of your cultural and worldly essence, but you are at your most powerful when you can show what you believe in. WebThis Lilith Conjunct Ascendant represents someone who is both angelic and dangerous. If you wrong a Capricorn placement its like adding +500 karma to yourself instantly. Lilith persona charts are about the darker side of our personalities. People with Gemini in 4th may have a family with a lot of talking & information spread like wildfire. Sexually theyre like kids in a laboratory! : Create a new chart with your liliths pressures, and whether this because! Sexuality, may be known for their internet / media presence as well also, represents. We approach sexual power due to the nature of this the young admire that its best to first look the. 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