Also, I will include adventure education in my curriculum because this instructional model opens the physical education program up to unique ways of participating in physical activity. I want to be able to show my students that there are so many ways out there to become and stay physically active. From that moment on, I saw the value of collecting evidence of student learning. There are a lot of free and simplified 3D design or CAD design software platforms out on the market, and some of them are open source and theres lots of communities around that are interested in the technology that have developed tutorials and things like that. But the other day, I had my students download Tinkercad, which is an in-browser sort of 3D modelling tool, and they were able to instantly design and print very simple things. Students should be at the center of this process and given the freedom to select content and organize it in order to nurture empowerment and reflection. So I would keep an eye out 1n the sports wearables space. 18:52 JR: See, thats exiting for education, too, outside of just PE. Although I could select which files synced with Drive, the process was tedious. 60008 Over the years, Ive been influenced and inspired by fellow members of the online #physed community. Well thank you, really, for your time today. Physical Education Teacher Training: Purpose, Process, and Platform. Education Personal Statement Example 1. Portfolios are authentic assessment tools that are comprehensive in nature and provide an alternative to more formal methods of testing. For example, my current grade six class has a folder titled Class of 2017 since they are graduating from the elementary school this year. They were just duct taping their hand to the racket, so they could hold on to it, so that wasnt very efficient, and obviously painful [laughter] at the end. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. If the portfolio is digital, work will need to be scanned onto the computer. All rights reserved. What Im thinking in this area is the ability to print things that have multiple different components that make them up, not just one material. 6 chapters | An example of how to complete assessment 3. assignment portfolio example template please read. They can be used as tools to demonstrate each child's individual progress from the beginning to the end of the school year. This model can be used in conjunction with the sports education and adventure education models in that the students do the teaching to each other rather than the teacher teaching the entire unit. However, I found that doing so just slowed down the process of organizing evidence into a students portfolio. Dependent on the type of portfolio a student is creating, it may include various work samples, projects, photographs, writing pieces, reflective journaling and artwork. And there I got my first introduction to the Sports Technology Institute, and kind of long story short, decided after MIT to go out there and pursue a PhD. He also be gentle with the female students because he allows the female students to learn basketball in shade place. Angela has had several research and review articles published in education journals. 2. As I go through the process, Ill take notes on students who I need to follow up with or spend more time with in our next lesson. Additional purposes of portfolios include: There are many different types of portfolios. And like you were saying, it really hits a wide variety of topics from science and engineering to design and art to PE. example, you might discuss your personal theory of learning, characteristics of a good teacher and a good learner, your view of the roles and responsibilities of students and teachers, the aims of instruction and how these might change under . Anthony Burrill 16. Portfolio Information Developing a portfolio documenting your strengths, accomplishments, and successes as a teacher is becoming increasingly more important. This lesson gave you great resources for understanding the importance of student portfolios. Gather/Organize your works together in one place. If youre having any trouble viewing the GIFs, understanding where their loops start or reading the content in them, just click on any GIFto view a larger version of it. A student portfolio is a comprehensive, ongoing collection of work samples, projects, and other supporting bodies of evidence that demonstrate a student's present level of educational performance and serves as an assessment tool. A. Here is one of the best student portfolio examples showcasing the power of simplicity. Explore student portfolios. Thats a process where you have to make this steel or metal mould and you blow hot plastic into it and then it sets, and then that happens very quickly and you can you can make hundreds of thousands of parts, but theyre all gonna be the same parts and that actual equipment to make the part is pretty expensive. So, I could see that being an interesting way to teach sports or teach PE where youre not only giving people the rules and kind of letting them experiment with the games and their athletic ability, but saying Hey, this is how the first baseball bat or cricket bat was developed. And then they can actually go out and do it to see how easy or difficult that may be. Sherris teaching includes middle school through college. This version includes searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. Showcase portfolios highlight a student's best work and show growth over time. Really, the only argument against it is time. Student Teaching Portfolio 1. Joey Feith is the founder of The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 1 (teacher and student manuals) and online access to printable teaching materials. The graphic below better explains the organizational process here: Although this is the first year Im formally doing this, in the past Ive simply kept all of my portfolios in their school year folder. To improve the badminton skills learning of students, this study proposed the portfolio-based WISER model, which combines tablets for instantaneous recording and Facebook for e-portfolios. 19:14 MV: Yeah, I think so. Physical education is about student development, about teaching the whole student through a process. This version includes searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. 4.9. Note that it is essential that students are allowed to be the center of this process. Assessment occurs in a natural setting with meaningful, real-time learning tasks. The Student Portfolio Series is also available as a WELNET module, called Online Learning. So, I think that mentality is permeating through the US. 18:27 MV: Yes, absolutely. She has a B.A. 16:56 JR: Yeah. Working portfolios are most useful for functional assessment and contains ongoing work samples, projects, and examples of proficiency. 28:30 MV: Absolutely. They need a portfolio that demonstrates their speaking and writing abilities, and they all have access to technology that they can use to present their portfolios if desired, including film and audio clips or digital presentations. In that folder, Ill create a folder for each of the units Ill teach throughout the school year (I get that information from my curriculum map). Elizabeth cuts it down to the information any prospect might need, like contacts. In other words: tech was getting in the way of my teaching. And thats really exciting. Apps like Seesaw along with platforms like Google Classroom are making is easier and easier for teachers to keep up-to-date portfolios even in the organized chaos of a universe that is physical education. Showcasing a student's best work. Grade. Activities such as dance and fitness are great for this model also, which brings in yet another unique type of physical activity that many students will learn to enjoy. Youve talked about whether or not a piece of equipment ends up making something easier to use, well, then that obviously translates into a student use as well, and that might actually be the thing that makes it possible for them to learn a skill faster than they had previously learned it. Although this is a long-term project, it will help my students have a better understanding of what each level can look like and reflect on the differences between the four levels. Shows PE teachers how to use this assessment tool to showcase students' knowledge, guiding them through assembling, organizing, and evaluating a portfolio based on teacher standards and K-12 content standards. However, as a novice, I often would rush into situations before planning the entire treatment session out . Students can use paper to create and print text documents . Gabriela Namie 14. Watch the video below for a walk-through of an excellent ePortfolio and explanation of what makes it great. Electronic portfolios are databases of information using forms of technology. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. Physical Education Student Portfolio (SPortfolio- 5th Grade) by Ckb210 4.8 (3) $8.50 PDF The portfolio is a great tool for students to collect their knowledge, self-assessments, goal setting, and written reflections, to enhance their personalized PE experience. I kept them because I thought it was an incredible opportunity to show student growth year-over-year. & Walsh 6. School districts are demanding it of their teachers and it is becoming crucial to have one when attending an interview when seeking a job. The easiest way to listen to The PE Geek Podcast is via our dedicated mobile app, which you can download for FREE foriPhone/iPad & Android. Learn the purpose of having a portfolio and how to make a portfolio for school. 06:14 MV: We ended up testing them on the snow and get them onto real athletes and things like that, so it was really exciting. I know that our school has a limited budget for software, and the ability to get access to open source or stuff that runs in a browser and be able to experiment and use this stuff is sort of really appealing. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Year 4 Technology in Sport . Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio Template. Essentially, portfolios should fulfill the following criteria: Student reflection is an important part of assembling a portfolio. And for me it was like a kid in the candy store, it was the place where undergrads and graduate students and professors came together to explore and work on problems in sports, with athletes, with equipment and things like that, and that was really my first introduction to really think about, Hey, there could actually be a career designing baseball bats or designing shoes. I hadnt thought about that in the past and then it kind of clicked for me, its like, Someones gotta be designing the equipment that athletes are using on the field, and Im like, How do I become one of those people?. (571) $9.95. Resources explored in detail in this episode include, Press Play below to listen or visit the podcast page. The student portfolio is a document that can help teachers gain insight into the understanding of their students. The students must create the portfolios with materials available in class. Consider including a table of contents, as well as learning goals that may align directly with district objectives. PEC Lesson Plans for Physical Education. I think theres gonna be There already is kind of the maker and hacker culture thats existing. Last year, I saw my wife, who is a grade 4 classroom teacher,working on something for her portfolios. Hattie Stewart 13. An Educator Portfolio (EP) will help you document your major teaching activities and their results. Now, files in my Macs Google Drive folder are streamed from Google Drive. Each area of documents is detailed below. It also, as I mentioned earlier, helps me defend grades and communicate success by having a wealth of evidence to put on the table for parents and administrators to see. Go downloadhere. Title of portfolio, your name, dates portfolio represents, picture of you teaching youngsters (or clip art of some sort), favorite educational saying (if it is short), 2" spine (or less) binder with clear plastic cover on front and spine, easy to read, neat. This version includes searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. And Ive actually seen a whole host of PE teachers since then printing these whistles, which is really tokenistic, but this definitely points towards that future stuff. Been doing that for a few years so this is almost a cross pollination of podcasts here. This model will give the students new ideas of how to become physically active in their futures, especially those who are not into sports. For the last few years, I have been maintaining student portfolios for the classes I teach in physical education to keep track of my students progress and stay on top of my assessment. The portfolio serves the double purpose of helping them to consolidate their learning and allowing them to demonstrate how far they've come. Listen to a student's perspective! 3 Immediately add techniques for assessment and review to your teaching repertoire. Student Portfolio Template Details File Format PDF Size: 69 KB Download 2. Before collecting work to put in the portfolio, determine how it will be assessed and include rubrics and checklists. Academic Year. And digital portfolios are part of this shift. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instructioncan have a profoundimpacton student academic growth. Its actually just the start of my work in helping eachstudent learn. That being said,share away! We even let you store files for offline playback so you dont need to use your mobile data. So thats called, Twitter on that is @sportstechpod for that. Im not some kind of G Suite for Education guru and really dont pretend to be (youd be better off checking out Adam Llevos website if youre looking for amazing ideas related to GAFE in physical education). A collection of individual goals for the year, selected and updated by students monthly, quarterly, etc. The poster graphic on the top pops out his visual skills. Class 3: Eleventh grade students in a specialist theatre program who want to create portfolios specifically for auditions and applications to industry jobs after graduating. 00:29 Jarrod Robinson: Hello and welcome everyone to another episode of the PE Geek Podcast, and as always, thanks a heaps for tuning in. Teachers have the ability to choose which parts of the portfolio to assign and students can complete assignments outside of class time. However, over time, I started to see more reasons why it was important for me to do so. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. G3 Overhand Throwing). Thats a perfect application of 3D printing where youre just looking to fill one or two at a time. A paper or notebook portfolio will have traditional hard copies. I want to make participating in physical activity a lifestyle among my students and have them learn to enjoy being fit. Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation & Requirement | What is CCE? On todays episode were actually really fortunate to have our first ever guest on the podcast, and I have been alluding to having some guests appearing in previous episodes. Since there are various health problems on the rise in the world today, this could be an essential step towards reducing them and turning society in the direction of living a long and healthy life. The core models I will use are sports education, adventure education, and peer teaching. Wellness/physical education assignments The assignments could be as follows: 1. Students can also create a file on the computer in which to place their finished products. Class 1: Sixth grade students creating a portfolio of their science work over the course of the school year. My Learning Roadmaps are printed out, so Ill usually have it posted on the whiteboard above my desk. And you talk about equipment design and so forth, well, those things eventually end up in the hands of students in phys ed classes. The other thing that really, that I find fascinating is, and this may be further down the track, but the whole ability to be able to potentially print things on site that are more complex than what we can do right now. Integrated portfolios may demonstrate connections between two or more subjects, such as math and science, or history and literature. Updated: 10/12/2020 11:42AM. My website is called and it has a little bit about what I do and some videos about the sports specific work that Ive done as well. 08:33 JR: It really paints a picture about sport is that thing that really does drive a lot of innovation. Unlike standardized assessments in the form of tests, portfolios provide a broader picture of the entirety of the student's learning process. That being said, everything you see me do here is exactly how I do it in Google Drive using the macOS app. Aside from ditching First Class for Gmail (which was amazing), another big benefit was that teachers at St. Georges School of Montreal now have unlimited data storage in their Google Drive. Modern Company Portfolio Template. So its called 3D Printing Reports, but I still do a lot of stuff in sports. The lecturer will correct the students when we make some mistakes in activities. Im doing some work there to bring the idea of sensors to equipment so that people can see how fast theyre swinging or how fast theyre throwing a ball, things like that. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Student Portfolio Assessment: Strengths & Limitations, Portfolio Assessments for English Language Learners, Writing Portfolio Outline & Importance | How to Write a Portfolio, Continuously Monitoring to Improve Reading Instruction, How to Implement a Critical Friends Group, Creating & Using Rotation Charts for Small Group Learning, Cross-Cultural Interactions & Relationships in Agile Organizations, Student Self-Assessment & Peer Assessment, Tips & Strategies for Teaching to Course Standards. The student will perform the locomotor patterns of hop, gallop, skip, and slide sideways. Portfolio Summative Reflection Essay Details File Format PDF Size: 43 KB Download 2. Would that be a fair assumption to make with, as these progressions sort of happen, things become easier to use and skill could progress as well? With these tools in hand, Im ready to start going through the evidence. But portfolios can also be overwhelming and difficult to manage without a good system in place. By showing them hands on how they can do this individually and giving them options on how to go about doing so, these students will be educated in this area and hopefully will continue to exercise the rest of their lives due to what they learned in physical education. This page highlights some of their students completed work. So thats at the moment really being used for top level athletes, but I think theres just as much opportunity at the lower ages as well, because its a different mentality. 2017 All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Google Apps for #PhysEd: Combining Drive & Sites for Portfolios, Google Forms + autoCrat = Educational Gold, Exit Tap Cards: Reflecting On The Learning Process In Physical Education, Teaching Rhythm and Dance In Physical Education, Co-Constructing Success Criteria in Physical Education, Responsibility Badges in Physical Education. The sport education model should be used because I think students need to learn all of the aspects of sports including the various roles of not only the player, but the score keeper, coach, captain, or referee. Step 5: Determine what format the portfolio will take. So, theyve kind of come together to get a warehouse, and they have different machines, 3D printers, 3D scanners, sewing machines, everything you can imagine, and kind of donated in a very communal way that people wanna work on their projects or their hobbies, and can build stuff. I, in March, did a blog post about how I had been playing around with 3D printers on site at my school. Interested in creating student portfolios for your students in physical education? Focused Fitness. That definitely appeals to me, and I As I mentioned, my first 3D printing experience was just the other day. Observation Norming Session: Calibrating Observation Scores and Feedback, 2022-2023 Evaluation Configurators Monthly Office Hours, Student Growth Portfolios: First and Second Grade, Student Growth Portfolios: Physical Education (K-8), Student Growth Portfolios: Pre-K and Kindergarten, Student Growth Portfolios: World Languages, 2022-2023 Portfolio Lead Monthly Office Hours, Physical Education K-5 TEAM Portfolio Resource Guide, Physical Education 6-8 TEAM Portfolio Resource Guide. Actually printing in multiple materials is still fairly challenging if you want anything that is pretty robust that would probably withstand the tumble of the kids and using it, but I think it will happen as materials and machines mature. And believe it or not that innovation finds its way into our phys ed classrooms as well. Hard evidence doesnt lie, and having it gives me a clear picture of how my student is doing instead of making decisions based on how I feel they are doing in physical education. And I know that theres some people that are doing some really exciting stuff in schools at the moment. However, the portfolio is not a self-contained course project. I also greatly enjoy my studies of English, having achieved A grades at AS level in both English Literature and English Language, which is why I wish to study this as a specialism. Remember that the teacher and student should determine the purpose of the portfolio prior to beginning the process in order to drive instruction and guide the individual learning process. For example, a writing portfolio may exhibit a student's written work across genres and demonstrate proficiency in designated components of writing. Now that I am doing a better job at creating my Learning Roadmaps with their four levels of mastery for each unit and have collected a lot of examples of student work/performance, Im going to start creating Anchor Portfolios for the grade-level outcomes we focus on throughout the school year. Self-Assessment for Effective Classroom Instruction, Selecting Educational Resources for Diverse Students, How to Report Learning Progress to Students & Parents. Strengths. Also, I still get a lot of assessment done in class through teacher observation and interviews. A few clicks and drags later, and I now have a cloud-based student portfolio system. A portfolio developed for a position application should be organized around categories identified in the position announcement, such as education, skills, job experience, capabilities, and work samples. Jarrod is a Physical Education teacher from country Victoria Australia, with a passion and enthusiasm for the role emerging technologies play within teaching and learning. Muscles of the Body Diagram/How the muscles of the body work 6. Elementary Physical Education Elementary Pe Health And Physical Education Plickers Teacher Portfolio Pe Activities Student Portfolios Pe Teachers Literacy Resource More information . And it was there really that I started to really focus on 3D printing and how it could be applied in sports. Physical Education Portfolio Resources gmsd The purpose of this page is to provide GMSD Physical Education teachers with the necessary resources to successfully complete their state mandated skills portfolio. So thats a pretty new phenomenon thats come about in the recent years. Once I have the PDF in my Gmail, Ill open it up in Preview. Ill create a folder on my desktop (e.g. Both strengths and weaknesses are demonstrated with opportunities to enhance or remediate skills. See more ideas about portfolio design, book design, graphic design inspiration. The Physical Education working group, comprised of educators representing diverse school settings found across the state, collaborate to develop the scoring guide for the middle school model. Some of the studies included in this systematic review show that written reflection differentiates the reflective component of teacher practice (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge, content and . parents, administrators, homeroom teachers, occupational therapists) how a student is doing in physical education and how they are doing in regards to their overall physical literacy development. Examples of student ePortfolios The ePortfolios linked below are creative, fun, and effective. Ive literally had to hand make baseball bats when I worked for a baseball equipment manufacturer. These data notebooks allow students to track data, set goals, create action plans, monitor progress, and reflect on their learning in the classroom. Its powerful stuff! Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Angela Burke, Sherri Nash, Sasha Blakeley, The Role of Instructional Objectives in Student Assessments, Qualities of Good Assessments: Standardization, Practicality, Reliability & Validity, What is Ongoing Assessment? Weve only just got a 3D printer at our school, one of the desktop variety, and the total cost for the whistle that I ended up actually using in class the very next period was 33 cents. By giving students opportunities to set up their portfolio, select work, and organize it according to their own preferences, empowerment of the learning process is nurtured. An error occurred trying to load this video. Audio and videotapes, cd-roms, two- and three-dimensional pieces of art, posters and anything else that can reflect the purposes identified can be included. . Create your own unique website with customizable templates. So welcome to the show, Mike. And I couldnt buy a whistle for that amount, and does definitely put a tick in the box towards that cost saving factor. Digital portfolios, on the other hand, are more permanent and copyable, letting families share them . He shows patient with the students and encourage the students who are not doing well in sports. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. That means a portfolio could include anything from samples of writing the child has done, tests the student has completed, pictures of the child in the classroom, notes from a teacher about things the child has said or accomplished, self-assessments by a student, and more. The Student Portfolio Series 1 is designed for middle school students. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Innovation finds its way into our phys ed classrooms as well as learning goals may... 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