God's passion is to answer your prayers. This chapter is totally relevant to understanding the courts of heaven. When you agree with what God has decreed in the courts of heaven, you are protected from the enemys attacks. The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. My attorney stated that they would request another amount and that he would call me in about a month with an update. By clicking "I Agree" you are consenting to the use of cookies. Thank You. John 5:19. You formed my inward parts and covered me in my mother's womb. Then we fall to our knees before Him in the court room of heaven on behalf of our loved ones who are oppressed in captivity or are held in prisons of sin. Preparing to enter in If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith. Ps 23:3. Thank You for using her mightily in your Kingdom. Intercession means to present a case in council or to plead the terms of the covenant (Ps. Plead the Word and promises of God. If you laid out the evidence of your case, our Father heard it. Plead past answers to prayer. For Later. 63:16); and Father (Isa. And Job continues saying: Even though he kills me, Ill trust him. 64:8, Rom. The court then explained that pleading guilty would affect the way the attorneys conducted voir dire. Abba Father, You see what is happening in my life. Thank you. When we think its demonic and its actually God. (Daniel 7:10). 9:33; Compassion Ps. God had been directing me to scripture that talks about God defeating enemies, and that I only need to stay silent, just as I did before. (Read Revelation 12:10, which refers to the enemy as an accuser of the brethren). CONCORD A 47-year-old Grafton man has been sentenced to 72 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to distributing . So we need to understand the magnitude of entering the courts of heaven- we are waging a spiritual war against the enemy! Merriam Webster defines a restraining order as follows: A legal order issued against an individual to restrict or prohibit access or proximity to another specified individual. David pressed God to fulfill His promises. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). Hello Robin! This is where we use our freedom negatively outside of the true freedom God has for us. Their function of worship is essential to the operation of the courts. Jesus designated the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, meaning comforter, encourager or exhorter, one who gives aid. Find your hope restored as you confidently plead your case in the courtroom of heaven! Justice Gen 18:25, Neh 9:33; Compassion Ps 103:8; Righteousness Ps 97:2, Isa 42:21; Faithfulness Ps 89:14, 143:1, Deut 7:9; Covenant-keeping Ps 89:34; Mercy Deut 9:5-6, Ps 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10; and Lovingkindness Ps 119:41, Isa 63:7. Pleading our case and detailing our arguments pleases God, helps us understand the need more completely, moves our compassion, strengthens our determination, and stirs up our holy hunger to see God move. I completely surrender to Him and bring myself under the government of the Holy Spirit. (55:10 in the clip) Lord I come before you tonight. My husband has accused me of certain things .some true and some false. If your ticket is for a non-motor vehicle infraction and you fail to pay in full or plead Not Guilty, your case will be transferred to court, an arrest warrant will be issued, and a bond for your release may be set by the court. Available at www.thefathersbusiness.com, 2023 The Father's Business. However, I would just love to have my family restored back to me. One of the greatest mysteries to this process is to gain an understanding of the books or scrolls that are in Heaven. 9:5,12). In this approach we attempt to enter into, The introduction to One Holy Fire, Let the Spirit Ignite Your Soul establishes Cruzs desire to awaken the passion and, Webster defines devotion as love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause. How do we fall in love. Thats when you ask the Lord for His mercy, rather than His justice. My rejoicing was cut short when I heard a wicked cynical voice say in Swahili, But she hasnt forgiven them.. Plead the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the mercy seat. Im honored. I am strong in You, Lord, and in the power of Your might. Ten is the smallest number that constituted a government. Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of heaven then all your needs will get met. Thank You for obligating Yourself to me by Your Word, and that You will keep Your Word and Your promises forever, as You have sworn. Thank you Jamie, I needed to pray this prayer today as I have just recently lost my husband. Confess sin, even if you think youre not guilty of it or already repented of it before, this is about whats going on in and around you. Plead past answers to prayer. "review": { You know every detail of my life and the numbers of the hairs on my head. Are you going through difficulties and feel you are at your wits end? Praise his holy name! Webster's Bible Translation The voice of finance Our giving of finances has great weight and authority when they come into agreement with Heavens desire and intent, this teaching is grear help for me and i wish to how i can Apostle Robert Henderson for further help i have for years since 1979 without knowing how to approach God. Forgiveness was on my mind, and I did my part to release them from their guilt. So thats exactly what we are doing. We may simply find ourselves brought to the courts of heaven, eg in a vision. I give You glory and praise for who You are. 103:8; Righteousness Ps. "@context": "https://schema.org/", The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). I have court matters for 3 situations that I was brought into without my agreement or desire to be in court. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. . Spurgeon called the blood of Jesus the master key that unlocks the treasury of heaven. In any court of law, we must have legal standing in that court. Holy Father, I ask right now: Abba Father, again I ask You for a dec actiona declaratory judgment stating unequivocally what my rights are in this case. Please check back later to see if new content has been added. Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. This sounds somewhat intimidating, but we need to know that when we go before the courts of heaven, we are not alone. He has written a couple of books which you can buy on Amazon or other places. "url": "https://baruchvanbeek.com/courtroom-prayer/", I once was a character witness in a court case, and it wasn't fun. This is so timely, Thank you so much. What an excellent post! Plead the honor and glory of Gods name. The Courts of Heaven operate similar to the legal system we see on Earth. He knows the spiritual laws and how to work the system against us. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am willing to lay my life down for your purposes to be done. "offers": { (43 on the clip). Ps. The courts of heaven are where you can partner with God to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Presenting your case boldly before a witness, 11. (LogOut/ This is perhaps the most powerful and important plea of all. I have been in so much distress over this case since it started 18 months ago, crying out to God to help me through this storm and praying for the justice He promises. The Supreme Court referred the case to the Personal Status Court by virtue of jurisdiction. Singh has agreed to plead guilty to one count of wire fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit . 1. This book will help you: Identify biblical heroes who were lawbreakers. Jesus is interceding for us while Satan (whose name means "accuser") is accusing us, pointing out our sins and frailties before God, just as he did with Job ( Job 1:6-12 ). the Kingdom of God, the will of God, the . 5. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. This makes all the difference between getting the right verdict. A powerful sermon on the need for lifting each other up. The trial court found that the couple failed to prove specific agreements to take an interest in the system by deed or to receive an easement over the mother's property. 97:2, Isa. Intercession means to present a case in council or to plead the terms of the covenant (Ps. They would sprinkle sacrificial blood. 8:15. Top Paying Your Traffic Ticket 4. You can say that they have more jurisdiction based on their anointing. I love you in the Lord. 10. Love you beautiful Sister in Christ!! When we repent of our sin and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, He pays the price for our salvation by His shed blood on the cross. Jesus didn't command His disciples to become advocates and plead their cases in the courts of heaven. Jesus our Elder Brother is our Advocate. Just as we go to earthly courts to have our cases heard, we can also go to the courts of heaven. God has always been the Judge, and presenting His Word back to Him has always been the way to get Him to judge your case. The Holy Spirit pleads Gods cause with us (John 16:15). The Bible doesn't assign a name to this place but I don . Plead God's relationships to you. Because of all the injustices happening in the world, God is releasing new revelation about gaining justice through the Courts of Heaven. "@type": "Review", Present your case before the hills!" New Revised Standard Version Hear what the LORD says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice. If you lose your life for my sake, you will find it. 6. Feel free to use this courtroom prayer and share it with others! "He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption" (Heb. Plead God's relationships to you. 3. I have a heavy responsibility ahead with unfinished issues, that have caused alot of stress and burdened me financially. As New Testament believers in Christ Jesus, we have a scriptural privilege to enter into the judicial courts of heaven in prayer and spiritual warfare. In my childhood, my family regularly attended a Methodist Church. On Kindle Scribe. This is asking God to intervene on your behalf and give you justice. This may come as an impression or arise out of our realising that we need something settled. Greek writers used parakletos also for a legal advisor, pleader, proxy, or advocate, one who comes forward in behalf of and as the representative of another. Probably the most important pleading in a civil case, since by setting out the plaintiff's version of the facts and specifying the damages, it frames the issues of the case . Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an advocate. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. This is my desire To honour You Lord with all my heart I worship You All I, Hillsong. Thank You that I am seated with Jesus in heavenly places, and that Your ear is open to my cry right now. How do we do this? 63:16; and Father Isa. Jesus revealed a.o. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. We plead His finished work on the cross in our behalf in accordance with God's will and His glory.How do we do this? Once the courts of Heaven are seated, then the Our desire is that you grow closer to God through the resources we provide to iDisciple. 9:5,12). Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God. Psa 43:1 Judge me, O God, and . If we knew who we are we would change the world. I am praying for you now. Encouragement in your inbox.Sign up free! Like most websites, we use cookies to ensure the best experience. Hagin, Kenneth E. Plead Your Case (Kindle Locations 113-118). This is where Gods love and power are manifested in a very real way, and He can restore your health completely. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and We are not supposed to use such language as is un-parliamentary or would show discourtesy to the Hon'ble Court or the opponent. Moses affirmed that God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow (Deut 10:18). Prayer doesn't work; Jesus works on our behalf. So knowing that there is a war in the spiritual realm, spiritual law is the law that governs the spiritual realm. The verdict is rigged. At this moment I dont know how to summarize all these or put this whole situation together make a case to present to Abba, whats your take on this? NT Wright discusses the importance of prayer in maintaining a relationship with Jesus. By faith, simply close your eyes and ask permission to enter the courts of heaven. Thank you so much for helping all of us. One in particular is a horribly fraudulent and frivolous case against me, and I am so amazed that the people harassing me have suddenly decided to drop the case! The courts of heaven can help us break free from these things that the enemy has been using against us. Jesus designated the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, meaning comforter, encourager or exhorter, one who gives aid. Jamie, this word was so timely for me. This step is crucial because it breaks the legal right that the enemy has to oppose us in court. One of the best post Ive ear read. ): The devil brings charges against us in these courts. File size . We are in a conflict, but it is a legal one. The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. }, 2023 The Father's Business. The case is stacked in our favor. And because You are the Great Judge of all the earth, I call on You right now to decide my case. A method to madness: Our Learned Friend. 24:15). Matthew 5:25 says, "When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. 140:12). Call for the counterparty to show up Many Old Testament writers used the format of pleading with God as if arguing a case in a court of law. Whatever your destiny is, that is tied to Gods purpose. 6. Doing this is important for me, because I want to be led by the Holy Spirit and not do things out of my own works and striving. Your grace, anointing and your purpose. My PWD had to beg for financial assistance. It is not a mistake that a pleading is called, "a prayer" in court. Serving a restraining order to the enemy. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. We have spiritual authority because we are children of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). Hallelujah!!! That was such a beautiful day and I have continued to look back on it, keeping faith that God would do it again as these people have continued to harass me, refusing to give up their fraudulent case and preparing for a jury trial until just yesterday. What country do you live in? Jesus silence the lies of my oppressor I need peace Jesus I hope in Court of Heaven, Court of Heaven Give me Victory and Vindication with my name on it in the name of Jesus Amen. I take a physical step, because I consciously want to take my body aswell into that realm in the Spirit and present itself in the court. It is where God judges situations in personal lives and in nations and cities. REPENT and you might also want to repent as priest for your whole bloodline from your mothers and fathers side all the way to Adam. We ask You to bring us in the right courtroom with the right mandate. Praise you. We hope it is a blessing to you! Plead God's attributes. Honor the government of Gods Kingdom, Mount Sion, the Father as your Judge, Jesus as our Advocate etc. Praying is talking to God and asking Him to intervene in your situation. It was not an angel. According to Hebrews 4:16, the throne of God is a place of judicial activity. He is the High Priest and the Priesthood was about getting things into place so that God with not have to destroy. EVERYTHING IN THE FULLNESS OF EARTH, HEAVEN, AND THE UNIVERSE BELONGS TO YOU. 119:41, Isa. Several people have asked me how I pray in the heavenly courtroom and I decided to write it down for them. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. David said that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy (Ps 140:12). He was sure that God would enter his contention with his enemy Saul and decide between them, vindicating him (1 Sam. I choose to be yoked to the Holy Spirit and I bind myself to His yoke. (The following comes from the Gospel Coalition Website.) Pleadings are certain formal documents filed with the court that state the parties' basic positions. 9:33); Compassion (Ps. After yielding to the Holy Spirit I choose to acknowledge that Jesus tore the veil and that He is the door. How can we lose? He is your Creator Ps 119:73; Helper Ps 40:17; Redeemer Isa 63:16; and Father Isa 64:8, Rom 8:15. Secondly, you must Get your book open. It is also higher than the laws that we currently have; it is the law that governs our relationship with God. The general assembly The word in the Greek is universal companionship and it speaks of the multitudes worshipping the Lord about His throne. May Your favor and with men overtake her. Thank You that Your Word does not return to You void, and that You are not a man that You should lie. We may simply find ourselves brought to the courts of heaven, eg in a vision. Claiming the blood and on the finished work of Christ, 3. The covenant of God with His people is a contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. Joshua standing before the Lord and Satan. Plead Gods attributes. With the authority we have been given, we sometimes fail to remember that to use our free will for His glory. "mpn": "Courtroom01", You can never have victory in Spiritual warfare until your own voice is heard in the court of Heaven "!In this message, the Man of God ushers men into into t. Testimony: that which is giving judicial witness. Moses and the psalmists repeatedly reminded God that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who delivered His people out of Egypt, who defeated their enemies in times past. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. This is what the psalmist talks about when he says to the Lord, "Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word" (v. 154). I received this message and I thank you so much. This is the authority that believers have over the spiritual realm. Make me passionate for your purposes. It was really a powerful prayer I will repeat the Prayer now and again for I really felt relieved when I was praying the Prayer. 8. Language. Revelation 12:10 NIV. 64:8, Rom. Thank you Jamie, I love getting emails from you! Thank Jesus for hearing mine and all the others who came to you with their prayers, Im so very sorry for your loss, Marivel. Fourth, Henderson's approach to prayer is mechanistic. For example to close and seal doors and windows with the blood of Jesus that were opened up in the Spirit where the sin and/or spirits came in. { . Prayer. "worstRating": "0", David pressed God to fulfill His promises. }, Agree with your adversaries quickly and repent Thank You for the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. 1. Why did God bring Abraham into the equation at all in this story? It is because the Holy Spirit desires us to recognise the legal position God holds as Judge of all. Make effective appeals on behalf of yourself and your loved ones. Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God. Jesus is the great defender of the saints. Yes, I am believing the Courts of Heaven. 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10); and Lovingkindness (Ps. It also puts us in a position of strength and authority over him because of what Jesus has done for us, we can boldly approach the throne of grace and present our case before Him (See Romans 8:16). My only trust and hope is Jesus the finale.Judge of my case Lord I thank you for hearing my prayer for my daughter sake Jesus Jesus Amen Hallelujah, I am believing in Court of Heaven for Justice in my favour, Court of heaven judge my case no more delays Jesus Justice and righteousness are foundation of your throne Ask the Father for His Judgement in your case. We are asking God to restrain the enemy. Of course, use this as a model prayer only and change/adjust the words as you pray, based on the leading of Gods Holy Spirit. Our destiny is not for our happiness, its so that Gods will is done on Earth. He strongly cried out to God for Him to contend with those who contended with him (Ps. How much worse it must be for the accused. It is very important for us to not operate in the court of the accuser. Heavenly Father, the Judge of heaven and earth, I call you my Abba, Father. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). The courts of heaven are a place of breakthrough, healing, and restoration. The Lord rebuked Satan away from Joshua not for Joshuas sake but for Jerusalems sake so that He through the intervention of Joshua had the legal right to bring blessing to Jerusalem. Honor and Acknowledge Do this by speaking life over your situation and believing God will bring it to pass. 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10; and Lovingkindness Ps. Earthly courts are modeled after courts in heaven. Bless your Holy name, Bless you Lord Jesus! I went through the entire beginner-friendly 12-step process that God revealed to me. Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. If you are in need of financial assistance, the court of heaven can provide it. Lord, if there are but 10 righteous people would you spare it? Furthermore, saith naught . Whoever will lay their life down will gain great authority in the Courts of Heaven. There was a hearing last December where God did amazing work protecting me, the judge clearly saw how my accusers were lying and I never even had to take the stand or say a single word, the judge ruled in my favor. Plead God's attributes. 1. 63:16; and Father Isa. Operation of the courts of heaven our destiny is, that have alot... Basic positions, I would just love to have our cases heard we! And he can restore your health completely worship is essential to the of. Also go to earthly courts to have my family regularly attended a Church... Things.some true and some false is essential to the courts of heaven the High Priest the! The smallest number that constituted a government heaven are where you can partner God. Has for us of stress and burdened me financially worthy of God, will. For the accused fourth, Henderson & # x27 ; s approach to is... Life for my sake, you will find it an update if we knew who are... Unfinished issues, that have caused alot of stress and burdened me.. 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