Intestinal and colonic injuries typically require surgical intervention (exploratory laparotomies). Fractures of ribs 10 to 12 on the left should raise your suspicion of spleen damage, which ranges from laceration of the capsule or a nonexpanding hematoma to ruptured subcapsular hematomas or parenchymal laceration. appetite, or malaise. 4. Physiological Adaptation check for patency by checking for a thrill or bruit, Airway Management: Evaluating Client Understanding of Tracheostomy Care (Active Learning Template - Therapeutic Procedure, RM FUND 9.0 Ch 53), wash hands thoroughly, need one person to hold tube in place and one person to change ties when soiled, clean inner cannula with normal saline and with 4x4 mesh pad, inspect skin, wash hands again, Asthma: Using a Peak Flow Meter (Active Learning Template - Diagnostic Procedure, RM NCC RN 10.0 Chp 18), zero the scale, stand up or sit straight, take a deep breath and fill lungs all the way, exhale as hard and fast as you can, write down number, wait a minute, repeat, record the highest out of the 3 tries, do this at the same time every day, Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Interventions for Dumping Syndrome (Active Learning Template - System Disorder, RM AMS RN 10.0 Chp 47), eat more frequent smaller meals throughout day Clinical Assessment As with all trauma management, the priority is to identify immediately life-threatening injuries. CBC ATI MEDSURG FOCUSED REVIEW CHAPTER 4 Pain Management: Use of Nonpharmacologic Methods of Pain Relief (RN QSEN - Patient-centered Care, Active Learning Template - Basic Concept, RM AMS RN 10.0 Chp 4) 1. relaxation 2. distraction 3. cutaneous stimulation (ie acupressure, massage, thermal. Peritoneal signs are often subtle, overshadowed by pain from associated injury, and masked by head trauma or intoxicants. 2. 3. Describe the components of a primary survey in a patient with abdominal trauma. Educate on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 6. assess for fluid and electrolyte imbalances, particularly with a new ileostomy (August). Although highly sensitive for bleeding, DPL doesn't indicate the source. Identify common pathophysiologic conditions in abdominal trauma. o 2 = Decerebrate posture (abduction of arms, extension of elbows and Which will demonstrate an O-H stretch at a larger wavenumber: ethanol dissolved in carbon disulfide or an undiluted sample of ethanol? It also Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) is close to 100% specific and 98% accurate in evaluating blunt abdominal trauma. (See "How to Manage Spleen Trauma without Surgery" in the January issue of Nursing2002.) EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Research Training Grant, SAEMF/CDEM Innovations in Undergraduate Emergency Medicine Education Grant, Career Development and Mentorship Committee, Communications and Social Media Committee, CDEM Medical Education Fellow Travel Scholarship. Any MVC victim who has ecchymosis in the imprint of a seat belt on his abdomen or develops late abdominal pain, distension, paralytic ileus, or slow return of gastrointestinal function should be evaluated for abdominal injuries. In the 1980s1980s1980s, rates of colon cancer were especially high. Interpreting the results may be difficult when obesity, subcutaneous emphysema, or diaphragm or bowel injuries are involved. A patient in hypovolemic shock may have a normal hematocrit level simply because not enough time has passed for hemodilution to occur. catheter removal. o Heparin Rationale: 4 Q ATI - Test 1 Practice Assessment A nurse is providing instructions regarding heat therapy to a client who has cellulitis of the leg. Acidosis Bladder rupture can also be encountered. ABCs - Abstain from sexual contact until you have completely healed sores or if on ABGs This is a Premium document. (To review the various types of trauma, see Forces behind abdominal injury.). Your first priority as a member of the trauma team is to protect yourself from exposure to blood and body fluids. Which of the following datashould be included in the assessment? The abdominal exam should detail exit and entry wounds, number of wounds, any evisceration, ecchymosis and deformity, in addition to tenderness. Abdominal Trauma General DRG Category: 326 Mean LOS: 14.0 days Description SURGICAL: Stomach, Esophageal, and Duodenal Procedure With Major CC DRG Category: 394 Mean LOS: 4.1 days Description MEDICAL: Other Digestive System Diagnoses With CC Classification Section Nursing Type Primary: trauma care Nursing Type Secondary: acute care A peritoneal dialysis catheter is inserted through a small incision just below the umbilicus and a liter of warmed lactated Ringer's or 0.9% sodium chloride solution is infused. Patients brought by Emergency Medical Transport are typically immobilized with spine-board and cervical-collar precautions. Risk for fluid volume deficit Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . Nutrition for the Critically Ill Patient. Abdominal Trauma presentations are complex because they can present with poly-trauma resulting in imminently life-threatening injuries, distracting injuries and altered mental status. o 4 = General withdrawal from pain What does an Intra-Abdominal Pressure > 20 mm Hg indicate in Abdominal Compartment Syndrome? Cullen Sign. 1. The provider can prescribe medication prime blood administration with 0.9% sodium chloride o 3 = Decorticate posture (adduction of arms, flexion of elbows and wrists) is o Clopidogrel (if having percutaneous coronary intervention, other covering the mouth. ASSESSMENT SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Risk Factors Expected Findings laceration to the stomach or bruising, MVA, risky behaviors Laboratory Tests Diagnostic Procedures xray, ct, mri, cbc no dx needed PATIENT-CENTERED CARE Nursing Care iv access, pain mgmt, catheter, ng tube, minimize leakage of contents prevent infection Therapeutic Procedures surgery Compression and shearing are examples. Notify physician. 3. Details of the abdominal trauma mechanism are helpful. Liver injury is common because of the liver's size and location. The cons include variable initial interpretation, necessity of patient relocation to CT suite, exposure to ionizing radiation and CT availability. 43(2):278-290, February 2004. Severity ranges from a controlled subcapsular hematoma and lacerations of the parenchyma to hepatic avulsion or a severe injury of the hepatic veins. LFTs apply skin barriers and creams to peristomal skin and allow to dry before applying a new appliance, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis: Planning Care for a Client Who Has an Arteriovenous Graft (Active Learning Template - Therapeutic Procedure, RM AMS RN 10.0 Chp 57, check assess site at intervals following dialysis 9. Lipase. Send the client for a CAT scan * Dullness over regions that normally contain gas may indicate accumulated blood or fluid. - Hemorrhage. skin is very fragile; don't rub or slap, Inflammatory Disorders: Assessing a Client Who Has a Friction Rub (Active Learning Template - Nursing Skill, RM AMS RN 10.0 Chp 34), auscultate friction rub at left lower sternal border B: breathing: assess breath sounds, chest expansion, tracheal position, assess for jugular vein distention Abdominal bruits (vascular sounds due to turbulent blood flow that resemble systolic heart murmurs) might signal an arterial injury or aneurysm. Check out our tutorials and practice exams for topics like Pharmacology, Med-Surge, NCLEX Prep, and much more. Figure. Administer oxygen therapy to relieve hypoxemia and dyspnea. Traumatic arrest due to penetrating thoracoabdominal injuries can be managed with an ED thoracotomy followed by emergent operative intervention. Behind the small intestine; includes the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Lipase levels can illustrate any theoretical injury to the pancreas although the evidence behind this is not substantial. Hyperthyroidism: Priority Finding Following Complete Thyroidectomy Hidden in the abdomen, life-threatening injuries can elude detection. Unless there is a deficit or concerning mechanism (blunt trauma combined with penetrating trauma), a cervical collar is rarely necessary and may hinder treatment in penetrating trauma victims. Severe left shoulder pain; indicates trauma of the spleen. 4. Permissive hypotension means avoiding aggressive crystalloid resuscitation of trauma patients, in favor of blood product resuscitation to a specific defined Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) of 65. Reduction of Risk Potential Pancreatitis: Expected Laboratory Findings Blood amylase increases within 24 hr, and remains increased for 2 to 3 days (continued elevation can indicate pancreatic abscess or pseudocyst). during the bronchoscopy. contact provider if bleeding from insertion site lasts longer than 30 min following dialysis, for no thrill/bruit, or signs of infection effective intervention should result in dieresis (carefully monitor output), reduction in respiratory distress, improved lung sounds, and adequate oxygenation, Hemodynamic Shock: Client Positioning (Active Learning Template - Therapeutic Procedure, RM AMS RN 10.0 Chp 37). The baby could also be injured in the process - Assess level of consciousness, presence of gag reflex, and ability to swallow o Auscultate lung sounds Wotherspoon S, et al. Next, perform a rapid neurologic examination and assess him head to toe to identify obvious injuries and signs of prolonged exposure to heat or cold. Courtesy of David Bahner MD, RDMS CC BY 4.0. The secondary survey is the complete history and physical examination. Certain telltale signs can help you sort out the many internal injuries that can occur with abdominal trauma. with Graves disease, infection, trauma, emotional stress, diabetic ketoacidosis, When a quick stop whips the upper torso forward, the seat belt above the bony pelvic girdle can momentarily trap the viscera against the spine and impose shearing and compression injuries to the gut and mesentery. * Serum amylase and lipase levels, when persistently elevated, may indicate injury to the pancreas or bowel. lines to infuse 0.9% sodium chloride or lactated Ringer's solution, according to facility protocol. 3. Even if your initial abdominal assessments are inconclusive, maintain a high degree of suspicion and repeat your assessments for any trauma victim. Other renal injuries include lacerations or contusion of the renal parenchyma caused by shearing and compression forces; the deeper a laceration, the more serious the bleeding. - Maintain bed rest in supine position with extremity straight for prescribed time. Find out how to evaluate your patient's condition and prevent further harm. Because the contents of the hollow organ will go into the peritoneal cavity and cause peritonitis. J Am Coll Surg 2018; 226:730. because a client who has suspected shock can be hemodynamically unstable. small amount of blood-tinged sputum is expected), and hypoxemia. Following protocols, monitor vital signs every 15 min until stable then every 30 They might not be available to take this patient to the OR immediately, so you are glad that you just had an in-service training on REBOA. In New York Handbook of Emergency Medicine. 1. Securing breathing and control of bleeding are often the priorities with this type of injury. o Assess level of consciousness while recognizing that older adult clients Amylase (intrarenal azotemia); hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia blunt trauma. 53(3):602-611, September 2002. For MVCs speed of collision, position of colliding car to each other, position of patient in the car, seatbelt use, and extent of damage (intrusion, windshield damage, difficulty of extrication, air-bag deployment) are important elements to elicit. Intra-abdominal hypertension that is due to excessive blood in the intra-abdominal space. You hear the sirens getting louder as the ambulance carrying your trauma patient pulls into the ED parking lot and recall that a stab wound is most likely to injure: 1. What treatment will you provide to a client with abdominal trauma? This helps you see subtle or ambiguous changes that might go unnoticed if documented out of context with other lab reports. Pain management * Arterial blood gas analysis can reveal abnormalities such as metabolic acidosis. For example, an elevation in white blood cells may indicate a ruptured spleen. An abdominal mass might be a collection of blood or fluid. Which cause of abdominal trauma is more serious? - Do not stop medications unless directed by your doctor Restrict fluid intake as prescribed. Follow our Facebook page for the NCLEX-Style "Question of the week," as well as relevant posts and live . Hoff W, et al. The pros of CT scan include the ability to detect intraperitoneal fluid and free air in the abdomen, as well as assessing the solid organs, hollow viscus organs, the retroperitoneum, the vasculature, and the diaphragm. If - WBC count: increased due to infection and inflammation A 55-year-old female arrives to the ER with a right leg fracture. 4. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures for Female Reproductive Disorders: ATI RN ADULT MED SURG 2019 Test Bank 2023 Version With 100% Correct Answer A+ Guaranteed{UPDATED} 1 A nurse is assessing for early signs of co. The abdominal distension is likely from a liver or small bowel injury, depending on the location and trajectory of the entrance wound. The following diagnostic methods are used to evaluate and classify abdominal trauma: Ultrasound is a common tool in EDs because it's portable, noninvasive, and can be used during resuscitation. Assess for flank pain, nausea, and vomiting. What do knife wounds most commonly occur on the left side of the body? Anterior abdomen. An initially negative eFAST exam, should be repeated if the clinical picture changes during evaluation. The frequencies of different types of cancer in these individuals varied across the decades. If his pain is severe, skip percussion and palpation; diagnostic studies such as ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) studies are necessary to evaluate his abdomen. * Prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, and activated partial thromboplastin time screen for coagulopathy. An inside view of trauma reviews what each technique involves. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan can reveal specific injury sites, the degree of injury and bleeding, and many retroperitoneal injuries that don't show on an ultrasound. For example, bloody urine or a prostate gland found to be in a high position during a rectal exam could indicate damage to the urinary tract. The client repeatedly refuses to provide the spec imen. Cross), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky). The absence of bowel sounds could be an early sign of intraperitoneal damage. Once the appropriate depth of insertion is confirmed, the balloon is inflated using IV contrast solution in order to occlude aortic flow distal to the balloon. Continuous abdominal assessment 3. As always, your primary priorities are to maintain the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation. o Leased to depressed respirations, respiratory arrest, and severe Original image from Supervise residents to ensure adequate nutritional intake A B. o 1 = Motor response does not occur, E + V + M = Total GCS o 2 = Eye opening occurs secondary to pain A closed reduction is performed and a cast is put in place. : chest exam is normal, chest Xray shows no hemothorax, and eFAST shows no blood in the pericardium). If someone has a gun shot wound, what will you count? - Tachycardia Most common in this situation are mesenteric hematoma, devascularization of the bowel, severe damage leading to rupture of the bowel wall, bruising, and hemorrhage of the abdominal wall that follows the belt pattern. These factors include altered mental status, intoxication and distracting injuries. 1. When assessing a trauma victim, it is important to be aware of factors that make a physical exam unreliable. use 10 mL syringe for flushing PICC line You know that eFAST is a quick way to assess for internal bleeding in an unstable patient, even though its most helpful in blunt trauma cases; you grab the ultrasound cart on your way to the resuscitation bay. the client has COPD, insert a 2L/min nasal cannula and increase the oxygen flow - Replaces tracheostomy ties if they are wet or soiled. Palpation. A urine pregnancy test should be obtained in all women of childbearing age. Practice management guidelines for the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma: The EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work Group. Respiratory Diagnostic Procedures: Priority Intervention Following a Melana nausea) and neurotoxicity (such as tingling of the hands and feet), Rifampin: Swelling of joints, loss of appetite jaundice, or malaise. Palpate one quadrant at a time for involuntary guarding, tenderness, rigidity, spasm, and localized pain. Nursing Interventions to Prevent Acute Kidney Injury. The following findings are abnormal: * Pain with light percussion suggests peritoneal inflammation. Management of care Presidential Address: Where Do We Go From Here? approved solution). Hemorrhage. Revent hypothermia Why would a client who was stabbed in a hollow organ be at risk for sepsis? and around the tracheostomy holder and plate. spleen, liver . 3. Ask the patient (or his family, emergency personnel, or bystanders) about his history-allergies, medications, preexisting medical conditions, when he last ate, and events immediately preceding or related to his injury. Discharge Instructions for Syphilis Kaiser Permanente Central Valley, Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine. Gun shot wound What is a major cause of blunt trauma abdominal trauma? US probe position of an eFAST exam. - Administer antiplatelet or thrombolytic agents as prescribed to prevent clot o 1 = Vocalization does not occur, Motor (M): The best motor response, with responses ranging from 6 to 1 - Thyroid storm/crisis. Cognitive approaches like mediation and distraction Disorders of the Eye: Priority Action for Eye Irrigation 1. Although bedside sonography is also used for evaluation of PAT, its utility is limited especially for the retroperitoneal organs and cannot reliably evaluate for hollow viscous injury. Don't sustain injuries as well With GSWs, small intestine and colonic injuries are most common whereas with SWs, liver injuries are predominant. The patient is ordered Morphine 2 mg IV every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. Setting priorities As always, your primary priorities are to maintain the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation. Flank. Inspection provider. ), E: Exposure/Environmental Control (Completely expose the patient), Abdominal trauma patients can present with deceptively unimpressive physical exams yet have significant injuries. Prevent hypothermia 1. Diaphragm or 4. The approach to penetrating abdominal trauma. In what order would you assess the abdomen? Abdominal distension means internal bleeding - how can we quickly determine how much internal bleeding if the patient is too unstable for CT scan? 4. This video is from the manufacturer of one of the catheters as a demonstration of what a REBOA catheter looks like and the procedure. Look for and document obvious abnormalities, including distension, contusions, abrasions, lacerations, penetrating wounds, and asymmetry. 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