8600 Rockville Pike Chen M.N., Lin C.C., Liu C.F. The moon's gravitational pull affects the water in the soil, which in turn affects the growth of plants. Moreover, a higher intake of soy isoflavones was associated with a lower risk of mortality from gastric, colorectal, and lung cancers. Another meta-analysis, conducted by Zhao et al. With regard to isoflavone content in foodstuffs, it has been observed that in soybeans, the amount of these phenolic compounds ranges from 1.2 to 4.2 mg per g on dry weight, whereas in red clover, the amount varies between 10 and 25 mg per g on dry weight [15,16]. However, some limitations were found in these prospective studies, such as the small sample size of the cohorts and the unspecific definition of high, moderate and low isoflavone intake. Our findings illustrate that foraging rodents, well known to be risk-averse during moonlit nights, are also affected by the presence of an invasive plant. Dietary intake of flavonoid subclasses and risk of colorectal cancer: Evidence from population studies. This meta-analysis included 266,699 participants (21,612 patients with prostate cancer among them). Hua X., Yu L., You R., Yang Y., Liao J., Chen D. Association among Dietary Flavonoids, Flavonoid Subclasses and Ovarian Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis. Santo A.S., Santo A.M., Browne R.W., Burton H., Leddy J.J., Horvath S.M., Horvath P.J. Further, Chalvon-Demersay et al. In the meta-analysis reported by Chen et al. Four meta-analyses have been reported to address this issue. In any case, it is important to bear in mind that a great number of expert scientists and doctors think that breast cancer survivors should not increase their isoflavone intake [94], although others consider that their consumption is safe and beneficial [95]. With regard to the geographical area, the authors suggested a significant protective effect of isoflavone intake in Asian populations, which have a higher consumption of isoflavones than Western populations. Similarly, Li et al. Indeed, they reported that an increase of 10 mg/day of soy isoflavones consumption was associated with a 7% lower risk of cancer mortality [62]. In fact, the number of isoflavones present was very variable among the different soy food types. Hormone replacement therapy has been proven to be effective in reducing vasomotor symptoms, although isoflavones have gained popularity as an alternative treatment to hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms. Isoflavones have received attention due to their putative healthy properties. Plasma isoflavone concentration is associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes in Korean women but not men: Results from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study. An official website of the United States government. Furthermore, among the four studies of breast cancer recurrence, three studies found that isoflavone intake decreased the risk of breast cancer recurrence, although further studies are required to confirm this finding [82]. (2017) included 26 trials with 2652 participants [48]. ; Funding Acquisition, M.P.P. Although the mechanisms of action of isoflavones are not completely understood, it seems that isoflavones not only reduce the rate of bone resorption but also increase the rate of bone formation. In tropical climates meat which is exposed to the moonlight rapidly becomes putrid ; and in the Indies, the negroes who will lie sweltering and unoovered beneath the full glare of a tropical sun, carefully muffle their heads and faces when exposed to the moonbeams, which they believe will cause swelling and distortion of the features, and sometimes even blindness. Thus, the EFSA scientific committees opinion agreed that isoflavone intake was safe, at least in the doses that the analyzed studies have used. Adlercreutz H., Markkanen H., Watanabe S. Plasma concentrations of phyto-oestrogens in Japanese men. Chalvon-Demersay T., Azzout-Marniche D., Arfsten J., Egli L., Gaudichon C., Karagounis L.G., Tom D. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Plant Compared with Animal Protein Sources on Features of Metabolic Syndrome. Association of isoflavone biomarkers with risk of chronic disease and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Equol has been considered as the most interesting colonic metabolite due to its beneficial biological activity, which differs from that of its precursor, daidzein [13,38,39]. Many females sleep less and have less REM sleep. EFSA Pannel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources Added to Food (ANS) Risk assessment for peri- and post-menopausal women taking food su pplements containing isola ted isoflavones. (2016) suggested that a daily intake of soy isoflavones, ranging from 20 to 100 mg/day, reduced total cholesterol and triglyceride plasma concentrations, as well as some markers of oxidative stress (nitric oxide and malonaldehyde), thus reducing cardiovascular risk [52]. Plants grow best when the moon is in the waxing phase, when its gravitational pull is strongest. Professor Piazza Smyth, the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, in his interesting account of a recent scientific expedition made by him to the Peak of Teneriffe, has set at rest the vexed question of the heat of the moonlight. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from the soil that trees need to grow. Only one study examined the effects of red clover on night sweats, and a significant association was found, which showed a decreased frequency in night sweats. In this systematic review, 123 studies were included, with a total number of 516,330 participants. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. Study duration ranged from four weeks to two years, with a median of 12 weeks. In contrast, the effects on bone resorption biomarkers were more favorable in overweight or obese women than in women with a healthy weight. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/usda-database-isoflavone-content-selected-foods-release-20, Acetyldaidzin, acetylgenistin, acetylglycitin, Malonyldaidzin, malonylgenistin, malonylglycitin, Moderate attenuation of bone loss, primarily at the level of the lumbar spine and the femoral neck, Prevention of osteoporosis-related bone loss in any weight status or treatment duration, Isoflavone interventions, genistein (54 mg/day) and ipriflavone (600 mg/day) in particular hold great promise in the prevention and treatment of bone mineral density, Probably they have beneficial effects on bone health in menopausal women but there are controversial reports about changes in bone mineral density, Soy isoflavones (2080 mg) and equol (10 mg), 1Meta-analysis 1Systematic review and 1clinical trial, Attenuation of lumbar spine bone mineral density, Prospective cohort and case-control studies, 508,841 participants, 17,269 with CVD events (stroke, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke), No associations between soy isoflavones consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease, 548 participants (272 case and 276 controls), Non-significant change in flow-mediated dilation (parameter of endothelial function), Various designs (double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design, crossover design), Isoflavones 80118 mg/day and 10 mg/day of S-equol, Positive effect of soy isoflavones on arterial stiffness, 1391268 menopausal and postmenopausal women, Reduction in total cholesterol and triglyceride plasma concentrations, 337 healthy, diabetic or hypercholesterolemic individuals, Reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, Decreased risk of acute coronary syndrome or coronary heart disease, 9% lower risk of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer mortality, Inverse association between isoflavone intake and both overall mortality and breast cancer recurrence, Isoflavones (the amount varies greatly among different soy foods), Pre-diagnosis, soy isoflavone consumption has a poor effect on survival of postmenopausal women, High dietary intake of soy foods (dose non-defined), Significant reduction of breast cancer risk, Sample sizes (from 100 to 15,688 participants), Daidzein, genistein, and equol (dose non-defined), Daidzein (34%) and genistein (28%) were associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, Prospective cohort study (3) Case-control study (10), 178,947 (7067 cases and 171,880 controls). The improvement was greater in treatments lasting more than one year and in subjects with normal weight, probably because subjects with excessive body weight have a lesser risk of bone loss. Lastly, Abshirini et al. Isoflavones are found in several vegetables, mainly in legumes (Fabaceae family) such as soy, white and red clover, alfalfa and beans [9,10]. However, the authors suggested that more prospective cohort studies are needed to further investigate this association and that the quantity of isoflavone intake should be accurately measured because flavonoid contents in food can vary significantly. (2016) published a meta-analysis of 13 case-control and four prospective cohort studies, where the results revealed that soy isoflavone consumption reduced the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 23% [79]. However, in the meta-analysis, a minor enhancement in flow-mediated dilation after soy protein supplementation was found. May affect males and females differently A 2015 study of 205 people found that the full moon may affect sleep differently in males and females. In: Thompson M.J., editor. DOI: 10.1093/OXFORDJOURNALS.AOB.A087491 Corpus ID: 89019113; Effects of Moonlight on Flower Induction in Pharbitis nil, Using a Single Dark Period @article{KadmanZahavi1987EffectsOM, title={Effects of Moonlight on Flower Induction in Pharbitis nil, Using a Single Dark Period}, author={Avishag Kadman-Zahavi and Dovrat Peiper}, journal={Annals of Botany}, year={1987}, volume={60}, pages={621-623} } Prez-Cornago et al. Barnes S. The biochemistry, chemistry and physiology of the isoflavones in soybeans and their food products. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. In this sense, it has been described that both isoflavones and other estrogenic molecules could mediate their beneficial effects due to two different mechanisms: the classical estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated signaling pathway and the activation of intracellular pathways such as protein tyrosine kinase, phospholipase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) [5,6]. However, the intake of specific isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, was indeed significantly associated with a reduced risk of this type of cancer. In this sense, Micek et al. The effect of soy isoflavones on arterial stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. [(accessed on 21 September 2020)]; Messina M., Nagata C., Wu A.H. 1Nutrition and Obesity Group, Department of Pharmacy and Food Science, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Lucio Lascaray Research Institute, 01006 Vitoria, Spain; sue.uhe@zemog.aoias (S.G.-Z. . (2017) conducted a meta-analysis with 21 case-control studies and two cohort studies, with a total number of 11,346 cases and 140,177 controls [77]. Dietary polyphenol intake in Europe: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. For this reason, the bioavailability of isoflavones has been extensively characterized in animal models and humans [25,26,27]. This is mainly due to their potential adverse effects, which range from increased coronary heart disease to stroke and cancer [53,85]. Estimated Asian adult soy protein and isoflavone intakes. In the same line, in European men, isoflavone concentrations did not affect the risk of developing prostate cancer. Gee J.M., DuPont M.S., Day A.J., Plumb G.W., Williamson G., Johnson I.T. The authors suggested that this difference could be due to different genetic backgrounds and dietary patterns among Asian and Western populations. Determination of total soy isoflavones in dietary supplements, supplement ingredients, and soy foods by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection: Collaborative study. Reduction of the endometrial thickness in North American women (for 0.23 mm). Lu D., Gigure V. Requirement of Ras-dependent pathways for activation of the transforming growth factor beta3 promoter by estradiol. Moreover, even though the binding affinity of isoflavones to the ER receptors is less than that of 17-estradiol, they can also act as estrogenic compounds when the endogenous estradiol is not available [8]. However, it is important to mention that this connection has been established based on pre-clinical studies, whereas data derived from clinical trials have not demonstrated such association [92]. Cheynier V., Sarni-Manchado P., Quideau S., editors. ; WritingOriginal Draft Preparation, S.G.-Z., M.G.-A., A.F.-Q., I.E. (2018) showed no effect of soy isoflavones on plasma concentrations of lipoprotein a (Lpa), a low-density lipoprotein associated with increased cardiovascular risk due to its pro-thrombotic and atherogenic properties [63]. In general terms, it has been observed that in Asian countries where there is high consumption of soy and its derived foodstuffs, isoflavone intake is high, ranging from 15 to 60 mg/day [20,21], whereas, in western countries, it is notably lower, around 12 mg/day [22,23,24]. Wang X., Dykens J.A., Perez E., Liu R., Yang S., Covey D.F., Simpkins J.W. Scientists not only seek supporting clues, but falsifying clues as well. As in the previous study, the onset of soy isoflavones was very slow in comparison with other non-hormonal treatments. As in the case of other phenolic compounds, genistein and daidzein undergo phase II xenobiotic metabolism, mainly glucuronidation and sulfation reactions at 4and/or 7 positions of the isoflavone ring [34,35]. He et al. In general terms, caution should be exercised with the use of high doses of isoflavones in women with a family history of breast cancer [49]. Due to the high prevalence of colorectal cancer, three meta-analyses addressing this issue are included in the present review. (2016), nine studies addressed to menopausal women and focused on bone health were analyzed [52]. The dose of isoflavones ranged from 30 to 200 mg/day. (2017) carried out a meta-analysis of 143 case-control studies, where isoflavone intake was associated with endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancers [73]. For this reason, the results should be interpreted with caution, and more randomized clinical trials are imperative. Lastly, Zhang et al. The difference for isoflavones required to find an effect can be due to variations in the amount of isoflavone intake between both populations. Regarding this topic, three systematic reviews and three meta-analyses were analyzed (Table 2). Hence, plants grow faster and healthier. Tamura A., Shiomi T., Hachiya S., Shigematsu N., Hara H. Low activities of intestinal lactase suppress the early phase absorption of soy isoflavones in Japanese adults. Indeed, the dose levels of dietary isoflavones require a better definition, and the measurements of isoflavone consumption should be provided in quantifiable terms. The authors indicated that high concentrations of daidzein and genistein (no specific values concerning these concentrations were available) were related to 34% and 28% reduction in breast cancer risk, respectively, whereas no association with equol was found. Arjmandi B.H., Smith B.J. From laboratory experiments, it's known that light intensities as low as 0.1 lux (approximately 0.01 foot-candle) during the night can influence photoperiodic time measurement in some plants and animals. Moreover, sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) allows phenolic compound-glycosylates to directly enter into epithelial cells, where they are hydrolyzed by cytosolic glucosidases [30,31]. Oral isoflavone supplementation on endometrial thickness: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. (2020) revealed that supplementation of soy isoflavones had a positive effect in reducing arterial stiffness, also known as the loss of arterial elasticity [59]. This study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) under Grant CB12/03/30007, Basque Government under Grant PA20/04 and the University of the Basque Country under Grant GIU18-173. On the contrary, women who were already equol producers did not obtain any additional benefit from supplements of equol or isoflavones. Isoflavones could be used as an alternative therapy for pathologies dependent on hormonal disorders such as breast and prostate cancer, cardiovascular diseases, as well as to minimize menopausal symptoms. In soybeans, the three most abundant isoflavones are present in four chemical forms: aglycone, glycoside, acetylglycoside and malonylglucoside (Table 1 and Figure 2). These two associations were significant for postmenopausal participants. Regarding the effect of specific isoflavones, they suggested that genistein, alone or in combination with daidzein, improved bone density and bone turnover in women after menopause. The results showed no significant association between isoflavone consumption and gastric cancer risk, with the highest (0.675.5 mg/day) versus the lowest (0.0120.1 mg/day) categories of dietary isoflavone intake. (2020) revised the literature to find randomized controlled trials that evaluated the impact of soy protein supplementation (isoflavone intake ranging from 49.3 to 118 mg/day) on endothelial function parameters in postmenopausal women (n = 802) [58]. Juglans regia L. is a traditional plant that has been integrated into traditional medicine since ancient times. Daily et al. Before Urinary isoflavonoid excretion in humans is dose dependent at low to moderate levels of soy-protein consumption. van Erp-Baart M.A., Brants H.A., Kiely M., Mulligan A., Turrini A., Sermoneta C., Kilkkinen A., Valsta L.M. Sarri G., Pedder H., Dias S., Guo Y., Lumsden M.A. Others, however, consider such notions as prime examples of "New Age freakery". It follows that additional high-quality, large-scale randomized controlled trials are needed. Regarding cancer, scientific evidence suggests that isoflavones could be useful in reducing the risk of suffering some types of cancer, such as breast and endometrial cancer, but further studies are needed to confirm these results. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This result has implications for granivory and perhaps plant demography in invaded and restored coastal habitats. Furthermore, isoflavones are associated with proteins; thus, alcohol extraction and processing diminish isoflavone content in foodstuffs such as fermented soybean, tofu or soy beverages. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal . The authors reported that neither soy food intake nor circulating isoflavones were associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. The authors observed that soy isoflavone consumption was inversely associated with cancer deaths. The results indicated that the isoflavone intake decreased the ovarian cancer risk by 33%. Altogether, these results show that further studies are needed in order to find stronger conclusions. Setchell K.D., Brown N.M., Lydeking-Olsen E. The clinical importance of the metabolite equol-a clue to the effectiveness of soy and its isoflavones. Soy isoflavones and their metabolites modulate cytokine-induced natural killer cell function. Two of the studies also revealed that women who were able to produce equol or who had received equol supplementation could have had a greater benefit from isoflavones [53]. Chang H.H., Robinson A.R., Common R.H. Excretion of radioactive diadzein and equol as monosulfates and disulfates in the urine of the laying hen. Some epidemiological studies indicate that the incidence of some types of cancer is lower in eastern countries than in western ones. Zhao T.T., Jin F., Li J.G., Xu Y.Y., Dong H.T., Liu Q., Xing P., Zhu G.L., Xu H., Miao Z.F. The physical stiffening of arteries has major health implications for its connection to various adverse cardiovascular and other health outcomes such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension or heart failure [66]. The enhanced bone formation is due to the stimulation of osteoblastic activity mainly through (a) the activation of estrogen receptors because they bind to nuclear estrogen receptors and exhibit estrogenic activity due to its similarity to 17-estradiol, and (b) the promotion of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) production [54,55] (Figure 4). Hosoda K., Furuta T., Yokokawa A., Ishii K. Identification and quantification of daidzein-7-glucuronide-4-sulfate, genistein-7-glucuronide-4-sulfate and genistein-4,7-diglucuronide as major metabolites in human plasma after administration of kinako. Nevertheless, the results do not seem entirely conclusive, as there are discrepancies among the studies included in the systematic reviews and in the meta-analyses, probably related to their experimental designs. Further, Chalvon-Demersay et al. After the consumption of around 17 mg of isoflavones per day, the median plasma concentrations of genistein, glycitein, daidzein and equol were 245.3 ng/mL, 9.8 ng/mL, 86.8 ng/mL and 12.7 ng/mL, respectively. This chemical feature confers estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects to isoflavones, depending on the cell type and the binding to - or -estrogen receptors. (2018) published a meta-analysis of seven prospective cohort studies (two studies from Japan with 241 cases and 503 controls, and five studies from Europe with 2828 cases and 5593 controls) [75]. Modified from Mace et al. With regard to the mechanisms by which isoflavones act to reduce cancer risk, it has been suggested that the effects are due to the similarity of the isoflavone molecule to estradiol. They are present in several vegetables, mainly in legumes such as soy, white and red clover, alfalfa and beans. The results showed that a higher regular intake of foods rich in isoflavones might potentially decrease colorectal cancer incidence. Specifically, the time to achieve half of the efficacy was 11.6 weeks for soy isoflavones, while for the rest of the compounds, the onset time was near 0 weeks. The increased moonlight enhances leaf growth during the new moon and second quarter. Thirty-nine studies were included with a sample size of 200 women per trial, in which the intervention period ranged from two to 96 weeks (median 12 weeks). Chadha R., Bhalla Y., Jain A., Chadha K., Karan M. Dietary Soy Isoflavone: A Mechanistic Insight. In general, evidence regarding the use of isoflavones on vasomotor symptoms suggests that they could be useful in reducing hot flushes. Thus, whereas Asian populations have an average isoflavone consumption of >30 mg/day, Western populations consume <1 mg/day [83]. While equol production seems to be similar in animals, it is very variable in humans [41], and therefore, beneficial effects referred to equol have been observed only in individuals with a specific microbiota composition [38]. , Browne R.W., Burton H., Dias S., Guo Y., Jain A., chadha,! Markkanen H., Watanabe S. Plasma concentrations of phyto-oestrogens in Japanese men, H.... Controlled trials are needed in order to find stronger conclusions menopausal women and focused on bone health analyzed. Metabolite equol-a clue to the effectiveness of soy isoflavones on vasomotor symptoms suggests that they could be due to genetic! 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