Brian of the 93rd Bomber Squadron apply a decal with the phrase "Lets Roll" to the side of a B-52 bomber February 20, 2002 at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. He asked the supervisor to call the Beamer family on his behalf. Of course, the tone of voice must be approximately correct. "Please, please, don't hurt me," a man says. 185-186. Larry Ellison, boss of Oracle, the company Todd worked for, had spun the story of Todd the hero aboard Flight 93 on Thursday, before anyone else knew of Todd's phone call. What did Larry Ellison have to do with it? Theyre getting ready to break into the cockpit. He was one of the passengers who attempted to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002, pp. Those notes are in the FBI's possession. Hold.". 20 years later we remember the victims of the horrific acts, their families, friends and all Americans from across the country. READ NEXT: Jim Bakker 2021: Where Is the Televangelist Today? So please remain quiet," he says. [13] U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, "Summary From Flight 93 Depicting: The Identity of Pilots and Flight Attendants, Seat Assignments of Passengers, and Telephone Calls From the Flight." Were going to do something. The transcript includes fake dialogue that never actually occurred. U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema decided last week to permit the government to play the tape for the jury. The caller seemed to know at least a few personal details about the person being called. CALL B: Just before 9:30 am, a man claiming to be Jeremy Glick called Lyz Glick, who was visiting in-laws in the Catskills of New York state. Yet if someone who somewhat resembles your sister, wearing the same clothes had stood in for your her, you would still know that it was your sister. One minute later, Jarrah or another hijacker in the cockpit, Saeed al-Ghamdi, a Saudi, switches off the transponder that enables air traffic controllers to track the plane. Johnson quickly turned the call over to Jefferson, her supervisor,. As the couple prayed together, Lorne heard sounds that he would later interpret as passengers preparing a counterattack. And in the wake of Sept. 11, Oracle is counting on the heightened interest in staving off terrorism to boost its government ties even more. [10] Jere Longman, Among the Heroes, p. 200. "Here's the captain: I would like to tell you all to remain seated. "The World Trade Center is gone," Jefferson purportedly tells Beamer in the post. The following analysis of the actual calls is based on text assembled by four reporters of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It was that: the flight had been hijacked, and the captain and first officer were lying on the floor of the first-class cabin and were injured or possibly dead. The caller asked if it was true that planes had been crashed into the World Trade Center. Sgt. They were unable to connect, and Beamer relayed his message to Operator Lisa Jefferson, who reflected on the call with CBS News. That doesn't help us move forward, when the questions have little basis in a line of inquiry that can go someplace. The tape ends at 10:03 as the plane nose-dives at an estimated 580 mph into a reclaimed coal field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 80 miles from Pittsburgh. It crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC. In fact, he sounded so tranquil it made me begin to doubt the authenticity and urgency of his call." I just wanted him to keep talking.. Were okay. (Verizon is a large communications company that has the contract for airfones on United airlines equipment.) He didnt know, but said they had changed direction. [26] Lisa Jefferson and Felicia Middlebrooks, Called, p. 69. "Are you ready?" Okay. Caller: I need you to be happy and I will respect any decisions that you make.. If we don't, we'll die," a male passenger says. Ron (L) and Staff Sgt. PA Beamer was a passenger on United Flight 93 when it was hijacked and famously said, Lets roll, in a phone call audio recording. This is not freaking Hollywood where he had plenty of time to say goodbye, he was about to risk his life to save it. United Flight 93 was the only hijacked plane. The official conclusion that all 82 support columns failed simultaneously from fire alone has for years raised serious questions about the official account. Accessed 13 Sept. 2021. (Curtiss 2003) (WRH 2004), Sweetie, would you drop by the store on your way home and pick up ice cream for Jenny and Bobby?. While I appreciate the diligent research effort, the problem with the whole area of psychoanalyzing the intentions of those making the phone calls is that these questions can never be answered and will translate into "disrespect" for the victims by the rightwing, who scream that from their websites. [5] Very fortunate indeed this was, because if the call had become disconnected there would have been no "Let's roll" slogan for the war on terror. Last updated: February 15, 2023 Was this page helpful? We have every right to suspect that "Beamer's" call was faked, mostly because it was made to a complete stranger and thus no voice-morphing trickery would have been necessary. The postclaims that Jefferson asked where the hijackers were from. Todd Beamer was one of the passengers on UA 93 who heroically prevented the hijackers from hitting their target in Washington D.C. The voices on Flight 93's cockpit recording, the only one recovered intact from the four planes hijacked on September 11, speak in English and Arabic. In the case at hand, Flight 93, various calls may now be examined as a consistency check. Hes been hijacked., Caller: I want you to know that I love you. Not only are hijackings of commercial (i. e., cargo) aircraft extremely rare events, the callers apparent surprise contradicts the implication of Call B (made earlier) that the other attacks were already general knowledge among the passengers of Flight 93. Retrieved June 10, 2004 from , (Ex Pro 2004) Voice Transformer. The call was not taped. However, the caller could easily access the Verizon supervisory office over an ordinary telephone, explaining that he had been trying to reach someone. He reached Phyllis Johnson. [19] This would mean it did not end until 10:49 a.m., about three-quarters of an hour after Flight 93 supposedly crashed. Todd Beamer was a religious family man. Unless noted, the calls were made on Airfones. On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, many remembered the heroic efforts of the passengers to prevent the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93, which was taken over by al-Qaida and ended up crashing in an empty field in Pennsylvania. I believe you. The jetliner heads downward and rolls upside down. With a little practice, you or I can sound like Sue Weisler. Once above 10,000 feet, however, calls rarely get through, if ever. A. Lets do some deep breathing together. (pause), Caller: It hurts me that its going to be so much harder for you than it is for me.. In her 2002 book, his wife Lisa Beamer revealed that Jefferson had informed her "it was a miracle that Todd's call hadn't been disconnected." [19] U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, July 31, 2006. Mon. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks. Elements of the alleged transcript of the call between Beamer and Jefferson are pulled from Jeffersons own account of what they spoke about and are accurate in that respect, but other portions of the transcript are incorrect. United Flight 93 it was the only plane hijacked on September 11 that did not reach its intended target, which officials believe was the United States Capitol or another target in Washington DC. Although the conversationportrayed in the Facebook post is largely fabricated, it includes several details that are consistent with Jefferson's accounts about the call. Accessed 13 Sept. 2021. Sun, Stephen Kiehl, the (Baltimore). CALL D: A man claiming to be Todd Beamer on a United Airlines airfone had some trouble getting through to anyone but the Verizon customer service center, where the operator relayed the call to Verizon supervisor, Lisa Jefferson at 9:45 am. Washington Post, May 12, 2002. The caller screamed again, said something he couldnt hear, then the line went dead. A caller can only make such a mistake if he or she is thinking of something entirely unrelated to the reason for the call or the person being called and that can hardly have been the case in the alleged circumstances. Hold, hold from the inside. The incredible story of Todd Beamer's call to GTE Operator and the heroism on Flight 93. But, "he said no, that he did not want to upset her as they were expecting their third child in January." An aircraft traveling at this speed would not be over the cellsite long enough to complete the electronic handshake (which takes several seconds to complete) before arriving over the next cellsite, when the call has to be handed off from the first cellsite to the next one. There is a bomb on board. That's a stunning research paper on the Todd Beamer call! It was at the end of this call that Beamer was heard declaring: "Let's roll," before joining a passenger revolt against the terrorists. (Spook 2004) Voice Changer. He had been out with some old friends. Everything you say will be spoken by the synthesized voice and with the same inflections, pauses and emphases. The 31-minute tape is punctuated by the voices of people saying they didn't want to die, cries of "No, no, no!" (Thi. The FBI took the notes but gave her no further information, she said. [1] The London Evening Standard called Beamer's final words "a symbol of America's determination to fight back." It's fine to "just ask questions" -- this is how research is done and is best done on forums within the research community. Thinking that far ahead was too frightening, too painful, too overwhelming to consider, she wrote, according to the article. Shoestring wrote an excellent piece-- as usual. Box 911 The supervisor's name was. He described how the passengers had been herded to the rear of the aircraft, guarded by the one with the bomb. [21] Lisa Jefferson and Felicia Middlebrooks, Called, p. 36. While elements of the transcript circulating online are pulled from the actual conversation and include correct information, other portions of the transcript are incorrect. For 13 minutes, Beamer had spoken with Lisa Jefferson, a customer service supervisor at GTE Airfone's Chicago call center. [8] Lisa Beamer and Ken Abraham, Let's Roll! Todd Wallack, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer He made his first two phone calls at 9:42 a.m., but neither call went through, the page says, referencing notes from the FBI and other investigative agencies. That night I simply would have refused to project twenty years into the future, to today. one of the hijackers shouts over and over. Todd Beamer: Flight 93 Hero Remembered for His Actions on 9/11, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Todd Beamer was one of those passengers, a hero whose voice was seared in our memories as he made a call to a GTE airphone operator, asking her to say the Lord's Prayer with him before he and. USA TODAY reached out to the user who shared the post for comment. Shanksville [21] Rowland Morgan has pointed out that this means the evidence of Beamer's call is "single-sourced, unsubstantiated hearsay of which there was no record. Most of the quoted material comes from FBI reports and notes, but is not a direct transcript of a recording unless specifically noted as such. [11], However, before reaching the call center, Todd Beamer had supposedly been trying to call his wife, but was simply unable to get through. Chicago Tribune, September 16, 2001. As always, my preferred approach is to present evidence, draw attention to oddities, and raise what I consider to be legitimate questions. Accessed 13 Sept. 2021. (San Diego, 2001) San Diego Union-Tribune. That plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. [18] Wendy Schuman, "'I Promised I Wouldn't Hang Up.'" (pause) Okay, I love you. I've never forgotten how incredibly deep blue the cloudless sky was on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, as I walked into my facility. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 2001; Glen Johnson, "Probe Reconstructs Horror, Calculated Attacks on Planes." He became the most celebrated of these heroes for saying, as a group of passengers were preparing to make their move, "Are you guys ready? Beamer's call was pulled from FBI notes from interviews conducted with Jefferson, and notes from the published report of the 9/11 Commission. 198-200 and 203-204; Wes Smith, "Operator Can't Forget Haunting Cries From Flight 93." The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 8, 2021. Operators would have received general instructions about what do to in the course of a call. It was at the end of this call that Beamer was heard declaring: "Let's roll," before joining a passenger revolt against the terrorists. Jefferson recalled: "Todd, when he came to me, he was calm. He was 32. Beamer told Jefferson he and a few other men on the plane developed a plane to attack one of the hijackers and attempt to land the plane safely. Every seat in the courtroom was taken as the static-filled recording was played. In the case at hand, persons faking phone calls have the further advantage of electronic fuzzing, the tendency for audio lines with very low bandwidth to transmit the human voice somewhat imperfectly. Fax: (253) 945-2599. How on Earth could any organization fake the calls I have just described? [H]e stayed calm through the entire conversation." "Does anyone know if that Todd Beamer flight 93 phone call transcript that's circulating all over social media is actually real? I remember the Mark Bingham & Betty Ong phone calls where shown to have many absurd aspects in them as well! It claims that Jefferson told Beamer about the other flights that had crashed into the Twin Towers, as per this excerpt: Todd: Everyone is really scared. Passengers calling from the plane are informed by people on the ground about the synchronized suicide hijacking attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Parents of a 9 11 victim are remembering their son at a special presentation in Mercer Island Tonight. CALL I: Jack Grandcolas in San Rafael, CA, received a call from a woman claiming to be Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, his wife. Other pseudo-events in the script include the first appearance of the hijackers, their announcement, scuffles with passengers, the back-of-the-plane strategy session, and the final rush to the cockpit. As I state at the end of my posting, it is then up to readers to decide what they make of it all. Boston Globe, November 23, 2001; U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, March 1, 2006, p. 11. There are sounds of shouting and breaking glass. A National Memorial to Flight 93 in Pennsylvania also detailed information from the call, pulled from the 9/11 Commission files: "'Beamer asked if he could be connected with his wife, or if that was not possible, if a message could be passed to his wife telling her that he loved her.' Transcripts of some of these calls on 9/11 which were made using cellphones and GTE Airfones embedded in the back of airplane seats have been published, but contrived conversations from the flight have also circulated on social media. '", U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, July 31, 2006, Jim McKinnon, "The Phone Line From Flight 93 Was Still Open When a GTE Operator Heard Todd Beamer Say: 'Are You Guys Ready? Among those passengers was Beamer, who tried to call his pregnant wife to tell her he loved her. 2004. Caller: Mom, were being hijacked. Watch for details on prayers to Allah and the cockpit confusion -- 5:36. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks, Memorandum for the Record (MFR) of the Interview of Lisa Jefferson of the GTE Airphone Conducted by Team 7, Fact Check: NO Known Transcript Exists Of Call Between 9/11 Victim Todd Beamer And Phone Operator. At around 9:58 a.m., he put the phone down and was heard saying to someone else: "You ready? The passenger, Beamer, who was part of a group trying to take the plane back from the hijackers, called GTE, the company that provided the phone service on United Airlines flights. Among the shorter conversations were Calls B, A2 and D. Early in Call B (Glick), the caller indicates that it is general knowledge among the passengers that other aircraft have been hijacked that morning. Once through about 10,000 feet, the thing is useless, since you are too high and moving too fast (and thus changing cells too rapidly) for the phone to provide a signal. (AVWeb, 1999), People boarding aircraft for the last decade or so have all heard the warnings to turn off their cellphones for the duration of the flight. A quarter century later, close to a quarter of the company's revenue -- $2. CALL F2: The caller identifying herself as CeeCee Lyles finally got through to Lorne Lyles. one of the hijackers asks the other in Arabic. Retrieved November 8, 2002, from , (SeeStorm 2004) VoiceDisguise. Just pray, Deena. 2001. The foregoing analyses certainly do not prove that the cellphone operation actually took place. Jefferson was, though, interviewed by the FBI after the airlinercrashed. I think most of your questions are great, and only have a concern with this area because it feeds detractors efforts. In fact, he stressed the importance of keeping the matter under wraps." He spoke to Lisa Jefferson, an operator. Lisa: A third plane was taken over by terrorists. Lisa Beamer established the Todd M. Beamer Memorial Foundation, to assist children and families with trauma, the publication reported. and "Oh, God!" Revealed OR Concealed? March 1, 2006, p. 11. 9/11 Audio Recordings Offer Dramatic Timeline . [3] Rowland Morgan, "Flight 93 'Was Shot Down' Claims Book." ), making the basis for those questions easy fodder for attacks like these --, "Hey, you know what, David? WashingtonPost.Com. Todd Beamer Beamer, an Oracle Inc. executive from Hightstown, N.J., and others are being credited with foiling hijackers bent on crashing the Boeing 757 into what authorities say might have. He was 32. ", Oracle's coziness with government goes back to its founding At about this time the takedown would have been initiated. [14] Jaxon Van Derbeken, "Bound by Fate, Determination: The Final Hours of the Passengers Aboard SF-Bound Flight 93." "Allah is the greatest. Phone: (253) 945-2570. He said he did not know where they were going, Jefferson recalled. Youll be alright.. But who are these guys? Allah is the greatest!" Im on a flight from Newark to San Francisco and there are three guys who have taken over the plane and they say they have a bomb.. Accessed 13 Sept. 2021. Certainly, the fact that it supposedly did not end until 10:49 a.m., and the fact that there was silence at the time when Flight 93 supposedly crashed, raises serious cause for concern. Theyre doing it! The post also includes a moment in which Jefferson tells Beamer about the other hijacked planes. CALL F1: At 9:47, the answering machine of Lorne Lyles recorded a call that he thought was from his wife, CeeCee. Beamer told Jefferson the plane was going down. Ive got to go. Even if we somehow accept that he'd changed his mind over the space of a few minutes, another question arises: Why had Beamer not instead asked Jefferson to try and put him through to his parents, or one of his sisters, or another relative, or a friend? Mark Bingham was gay, a PR executive and a keen sportsman. And also because "his" call valididates the official story on every account, whereas Burnett specifically mentioned guns in the possession of the hijackers. The question therefor arises how the caller could have known these details. Hold from the inside. "I don't want to die. Information sources are cited in this manner: Download the app to LISTEN LIVE wherever you are and connect with us like never before! In March, the company formed a partnership to focus on airport security. She's pregnant with our 3rd child. Hijackers grab an axe to scare away the passengers who might peer through the cockpit door's peephole. Todd Beamer tried to make a credit card call and ended up talking to a call center supervisor for the firm who handled United Airlines' in-flight phone service. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2002, p. 217. The analogy between Beamer's (alleged) call and Burnett's call is not a good one. I swear, it was my son. According to the FBI, thirty-seven phone calls were placed from on board Flight 93 between 9:28 when the plane was hijacked until the time of the crash at 10:03. I love you. He told Ms Lyles that the passengers were about to take a vote on whether to take back the aircraft. The plane was going up and down and had turned or changed direction. Calls from on board the plane revealed that: the passengers were forced to the back of the aircraft, a passenger had been stabbed (reported by at least two callers) and the victim had died (reported by one), two individuals were lying on the floor of the aircraft injured or dead, possibly the captain and first officer. Many shared the alleged transcript of that call from an article on Eternity News, which appears to be a Christian-focused website, claiming it was the full conversation between the two of them. A transcript shared online is that of the full recorded conversation between Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer and phone operator Lisa Jefferson, before the passengers attempted to take down. The caller then explained that she had to go. At approximately 9:43 am on Sept. 11, 2001, Todd Beamer, a passenger on Flight 93 dialed '0' and told an Airfone operator that his flight had been hijacked. Image Via Stephenwissink/Wikimedia Commons, Disconnecting the Dots: How 9/11 Was Allowed to Happen. "The Transcript from Flight 93" Eternity News. You can transform your voice into that of an old man or a young girl. In loving memory of Todd Beamer. We didn't lose a connection because there's a different sound that you use. According to AT&T spokesperson Alexa Graf, cellphones are not designed for calls from the high altitudes at which most airliners normally operate. The Telegraph. At this point the caller was reciting the 23rd Psalm from the Bible. As the senior Federal Aviation Administration official in charge of the busiest air traffic . If the contact has been made successfully in the operators opinion, with the essential information conveyed, it is always possible to terminate the call more or less gracefully, depending on what portion of the script is under execution. Instead, please join me in remembering Todd Beamer of Flint, Mich today. The 9/11 . ", Wes Smith, "Operator Can't Forget Haunting Cries From Flight 93. OK. Let's roll." LETS ROLL. For evil to triumph it only takes good men doing nothing. At this point the caller was reciting the 23rd Psalm from the Bible. First, several passengers aboard Flight 77 were undoubtedly frequent flyers. His last audible words, overhead during a phone . [26] But why? After a few minutes, the operator's supervisor, Lisa Jefferson, took over the call. She asked Jack to pass along her love for everyone, then passed the airfone to her seat-mate. The family lived in Cranberry, New Jersey, and he traveled frequently for work. ", and that it provides evidence that this wasn't him. Passenger on flight 93. Were going to do something., CALL D (contd): The caller who had identified himself as Todd Beamer appears to have remained connected with Lisa Jefferson, the Verizon supervisor, almost to the end of the flight. One could say that my neighbor faked my sons return without even trying to. It could be called the Cellphone Flight. Like the staged attacks themselves, the calling operation would be complex, involving the a) deployment of voice mimicry techniques, b) gathering personal intelligence on at least some of the passengers, c) coordination of calls with the operations timeline. Does she believe his previous sentence? [Jefferson] kept thinking, This call is going to get dropped! "No, no, down, down," a hijacker responds. I went out to the back porch to greet him. Company co-founders Larry Ellison, Robert Miner and Ed Oates worked on Project Oracle at a consulting firm, before striking out on their own. I don't want to die," she repeats. She told him, "Babe, I need for you to listen to me. [16] Jim McKinnon, "GTE Operator Connects With, Uplifts Widow of Hero in Hijacking." >>As always, my preferred approach is to present evidence, draw attention to oddities, and raise what I consider to be legitimate questions. Lets roll, Jefferson said. July 31, 2006, Jaxon Van Derbeken, "Bound by Fate, Determination: The Final Hours of the Passengers Aboard SF-Bound Flight 93. Evening Standard, August 19, 2002. He gave information on the hijacking, the page said. The caller, who may have lost confidence in the call, terminates the conversation (possibly pounding his forehead in silent frustration). Herded to the back of the plane, at least eight passengers and two flight attendants make phone calls that provide detailed information about the attack, New Jersey state trooper Ray Guidetti told the jurors on Tuesday. Cathy took the call and handed the phone to Alice with the remark, Alice, talk to Mark. In fact, they probably remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they received the news the morning of September 11, 2001. When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Retrieved June 10 from>, (Telegraph, 2001) Harrison, D. 2001. On the fateful day the calling operation would take place in an operations center, basically a sound studio that is equipped with communication lines and several telephones. Daily Mail, August 18, 2006. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the series of calls from the flight provided vital information both to the ground and to the passengers. It was the only one of the four planes that did not reach its intended target, instead crashing in an empty field just outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 150 miles northwest of Washington, D.C. (Ex. a fellow passenger asks Beamer toward the end of the call. Oh the most gracious," an Arabic voice inside the cockpit says. Beamer asked if he could be connected with his wife, or if that was not possible, if a message could be passed to his wife telling her that he loved her,' the page said, quoting Jefferson. An April 15Facebook postpublished the supposed full transcript ofa call between a passenger on the flight and anAirfoneemployee. Thank you for supporting our journalism. Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 Oddly, the Verizon wireless record shows that 19 calls were made from Beamer's cell phone long after the crash of UA 93. Of course, the organization involved would have obtained copies of the flight manifests well before the flight or it could have simply eavesdropped on the phone reservation systems for American and United Airlines. Click on the dropdown boxes for more information regarding each phone call, P.O. What Really Happened. She planned to prepare boiling water in the galley to pour on the hijackers. in that excellent paper by Shoestring. (Roddy et al. But if Mark chose his mother to call, over all other people in the world, would he be likely to make such a mistake? Im fine and comfortable for now. "Is that United 93 calling?" Alice: Yes, Mark. All calls are orchestrated to follow the script. from 8 AM - 9 PM ET. As passengers learned of the attack on the World Trade Center, it became clear that the hijackers were not returning to the airport as they claimed, said Reporter Jon Meyer in an interview. [22] However, a week after 9/11 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had claimed otherwise, stating that, "because it was to an operator," the call "was tape-recorded." 2001 ) Harrison, D. 2001 me that its going to be happy and I will any! Close to a quarter of the company 's revenue -- $ 2 was this page helpful johnson... Cries from Flight 93 Hero Remembered for his Actions on 9/11, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. all reserved! For years raised serious questions about the other in Arabic serious questions about the official conclusion that all support! The Eastern District of Virginia, July 31, 2006 pounding his forehead in silent frustration ) call... With a little practice, you or I can sound like Sue Weisler, Jersey. Beamer family on his behalf Arabic voice inside the cockpit confusion -- 5:36 Court the. He was calm the case at hand, Flight 93 Hero Remembered for his Actions on 9/11, 2023. Later interpret as passengers preparing a counterattack over the call with CBS News all... 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Live wherever you are and connect with us like never before line went dead Among those passengers Beamer. The publication reported fire alone has for years raised serious questions about official... Line of inquiry that can go someplace to in the galley to pour on the call and handed phone! Have been initiated in Arabic ( Ex Pro 2004 ) VoiceDisguise through, if ever government back... Beamer and Ken Abraham, Let 's Roll who heroically prevented the.. Quickly turned the call with CBS News, 2004 from < http: //www, the ( Baltimore ) this! The incredible story of Todd Beamer: Flight 93 '' Eternity News what make. Audible words, overhead during a phone the cockpit door 's peephole with government goes back to founding! Asks the other in Arabic basis for those questions easy fodder for Attacks like --! Schuman, `` Operator Ca n't Forget Haunting Cries from Flight 93 supposedly crashed have refused to project years! 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