May 27, 2022, 10:00 AM. The hard deck on this hop will be 10,000 feet. The canopy strike leading to Goose's death was, in fact, based around a real life incident, involving a test crew. During Cougar and Merlin's approach to the carrier, the approach controller makes a call to their aircraft, "Cougar, you are well below glide path at 3 quarters of a mile. Both of the original markings are not real Tomcats squadron markings. Maverick, now paired with Merlin, serves as backup F-14 to Iceman and Hollywood. Only better and worse. Commander Mike "Viper" Metcalf fits the bill. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. In the elevator scene, Charlie's hair is noticeably darker than in other scenes. Then a launch from the number 1 bow cat. Good luck. Is that clear? Top Gun Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. As Goose was killed during the ejection, there is no explanation as to why his mask was undone in the water. One of the film's last shots shows Maverick throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean - which, to some, might seem an odd way to honor a fallen friend. Maverick switches to guns but the symbols on the HUD remain the same. Amount of ice in Maverick's glass in the airport bar. This is now an emergency aircraft needing priority handling and landing ASAP. Time jumped by at least an hour just to get that silhouette indoor shot. As Cougar is seen "handing in his wings," the chances are that he never flew for the Navy again. Viper: My squadron we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. Further, the F-14s would not turn their radars on either; they'd get all of their interception instructions from the airborne Hawkeyes. Maverick During the Cold War, two American F-14s skirmish with a pair of MiG-28s. However,Top Gunalso touches on a handful of other themes. At 1:36:41, Iceman radios, "I'm going for the shot" while at close range behind a bandit." American : When you see him in the background of Maverick footage, and on the ground, he is wearing the same helmet, but without the writing on it. Viper: I was there. : Viper mentions that he flew F-4s with Maverick's father in VF-51, aboard the USS Oriskany. When Maverick pulls him upright, Goose's mask is unhooked from the right side of his helmet. She tells him at that speed it's too fast. Lieutenant Mitchell Top Gun rules of engagement exists for your safety and for that of your team. There is no city named Miramar in CA. If he'd died she would still have a mother. Maverick leaves the volleyball game with no belt on. Viper reveals that he had served with his father. (3) Flying too close to Iceman's plane, and subsequently through his jet-wash, which induced the flat spin that later caused Goose's death. Starting, 1:23:08, Viper says Maverick's father was hit, he managed to save three planes before his father was killed. Viper (2) The flyby of the tower. In the opening, a full-screen explanation of the Top Gun program says it was created "to "insure" that pilots receive the training" etc. Iceman, Maverick and several other of the graduates receive orders about a hostile situation, and are assigned to it. When Maverick pulls Goose from the water and into the life raft, the glove on Goose's his left hand is rolled down exposing the skin on his wrist. The vertical speed indicator shows Cougar's F-14 descending at 6,000 feet per minute, which would be an aggressive dive. Viper has a high opinion of Mavericks father and also of Maverick. VA-25 never operated F-14s. In Viper's office, Viper starts questioning the boys, asking them why they followed Jester below the hard deck. He's got missile lock. In one frame in the opening flight scene, we hear Cougar talking, but in the "first person perspective" shot, we see Maverick's helmet reflected in the cockpit. Case I departure is when a fighter clears the catapult and a positive rate of climb is Starting 26:29. In the showers, Slider was sitting on the bench. Viper : I flew with your old man. The two fall in love. Maverick tells her the official story and his version of events. F-4s were too big to fly off her deck. In all three, you can see their faces and know the real actors are not playing volleyball in that sequence. Up there, we gotta push it. While on a date with Charlotte Blackwood at her home during a date. Viper First one dies you die too, but there will be others. Well, that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map. During the initial flight scenes with the MiG-28's, when Maverick is visible on the screen, Sundown's helmet (orange and white stripes) is reflected on the cockpit canopy. However, when he is sat having lunch with her it is clearly much earlier in the day (indicative of it being lighter and the sun casting shorter shadows). In reality, the F-14 should taxi away to allow other approaching aircraft to land. This is easily identifiable because the red light that is supposed to be on the port side of the plane is on the starboard side. At the beginning, they made it clear that Top Gun is for the "best of the best". During the final dogfight, we several shot of Goose in the co-pilot seat when obviously he is dead and Merlin is Maverick's "RIO". When the crew sings You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling, they omit the second verse, and change the line "But baby, baby I know it" to "But baby, believe me, I know it." Our flying services do this routinely; we have air-to-surface missiles that can backtrack a radar signal to its source and take out the radar set (and probably a number of members of the crew as well.) Before the final engagement, Stinger says "Gentlemen, this is bullseye." They are not. Viper He is forced to take closer stock of himself, and after Goose's tragic death, he seems to have lost both his confidence and his edge. That lets everyone know several important pieces of information. Viper Maverick: So you're saying I should quit? Three, the amount of fuel the aircraft has remaining, in this example 1,100 pounds of gas remaining. Maverick and Viper take a walk outside and Viper starts to tell some classified information. Top Gun's more personal story about Maverick's growth and change speaks for itself, though, and has made it one of the most consistently popular '80s movies over the decades since. Anyone calling their aircraft over the radio would refer to the aircraft's mission callsign, in this case, "Ghostrider 117" for Cougar and Merlin, and "Ghostrider 203," for Maverick and Goose. The champagne bottle during Maverick and Charlie's dinner at her house. However, Top Gun neglects to answer a handful of burning questions. Viper : Well, that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map. In aviation training the "hard deck" is the simulated ground (for an added layer of safety). The hard deck for this hop was 10,000 feet. His pilot's wings are for a USAF Senior pilot, not a Naval Aviator's wings. : Goose Victims rescued by the Coast Guard are always hoisted in a basket, never by the safety harness alone; thus, hoisting Goose from the water as they did is a violation of the proper rescue procedures. That rank is too junior for a TOP GUN slot. Iceman radios "I need another 20 seconds then I've got him" yet he is flying extremely close to the bandit. You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. Had he done so, he would've put his crew and Iceman and Slider at risk. Actor Many errors are made when describing maneuvers that various aircraft have made. In the stairwell, Iceman puts on a watch twice. I had the shot. WebViper or Madame Hydra may refer to: Madame Hydra. Goose Viper is a Vietnam War vet who flew a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II along side Duke. VF-51, the Oriskany. Even if he used his guns, the debris would be sucked up into his engines and his plane would be damaged. He pressures Iceman to break off so he can take the shot, but Maverick flies through Iceman's jet wash, causing his fighter's engines to fail. Furthermore, while the top of the Martin Baker GRU-7 ejection seat did sit higher than the top of the crew members heads, they were not, however, equipped with "canopy breakers," like some modern ejection seats have. Here's whatTop Gun's ending really means. In the training Hops, both Merlin and a blue-helmeted pilot can be seen in Maverick's RIO seat. Stockdale was shot down in 1965 and spent the rest of the war as a POW. This occurs at 10:26. Free Download: Exploring the 12 Stages of the Heros Journey. : American Position of the wine bottle at Charlie's place. : The Navy advised several changes to help with the film's realism in its portrayal of Naval operations, so whileTop Gun's narrative may be fictional, it's certainly plausible. Before an ejection, crews are taught to fasten their oxygen masks securely to not only provide oxygen at high altitudes, but also to prevent it from causing injuries. The second, is the Coast Guard Arctic Service Medal. When Goose is playing "Great Balls of Fire" in the bar, the movement of his hands does not match the music. Additionally, the radar apparatus of the F14 is located in the nose of the aircraft, and therefore only scans in a 60 degree arc, not the 360 degree sweep shown, which would pose a radiation hazard to the crew sitting only a few feet behind it. The so-called 4-G inverted dive would have caused the Tomcat's vertical stabs to jam into the MiG-28. There are several scenes of Maverick walking outdoors without a cap or hat; in the Navy and Marines, this absolutely is not done. "Top Gun Quotes." Entering Top Gun, Iceman is considered to be the best; Goose tells Maverick (and us) as much. Flight crews are seen throughout the film wearing golf shirts under their flight suits. Yeah, he did it right Is that why you fly the way you do? In USN terminology, a non-friendly surface radar contact is a "skunk". : In the next shot as he's lifted into the helicopter the glove is rolled up over his sleeve protecting his arm from the spray. In the opening scene when all planes take off, it is sunrise. : Controller says at 1:34:47, ""Maverick's re-engaging, sir." See: 46:40. Maverick When reviewing the telemetry data, Charlie is wearing a gray skirt and a white polo shirt, but when she then chases after Maverick outside the building, she is wearing a black skirt and a white button-up shirt. Just later on, he reveals the whole encounter to all the others who may not have security clearance to hear the story. Crazy Credits This nob has nothing to do with the F-14s weapons suite. Maverick At 30:01, Maverick's F-14 is very low near the ground which exactly would be the 'hard deck' or below thus in reality, he would have been classified as crashed. Nick Bradshaw 'Goose'" in this scene. All yours. : Charlie hands Maverick the dinner invitation and the closeup of the invitation is a completely different piece of paper than the full shot. Yeah. Part of the reason Viper is a good commander, a good pilot, and a good instructor is that he doesn't sugarcoat anything. | The Exocet missile is large enough to be visible if it were carried. Top movies to watch after being shot by cupid. Duke Mitchell was a U.S. naval aviator who was killed-in-action during the Vietnam War. This was an Egyptian-Israeli peacekeeping mission which never involved fighter aircraft. Why? This occurs at 12:51. Goose is dead. This might seem unlikely given the apt nature of his callsign, but it actually makes perfect sense in line with his character development inTop Gun. Maverick's watch shows the same in multiple scenes set at different times of day. : Viper Of all the photos the set designers could have chosen for this scene, it seems strange they would choose one of an "enemy" aircraft. At 59:04. It's your option, Lieutenant. Charlie gains her folder when she exits the ladies room. Before the Final Furball, Stinger states that the Exocet Anti Shipping Missile can be launched in excess of 100Nm. All radar surveillance is done by E-2C 'Hawkeye' radar planes. An aircraft carrier never turns on its own radar, nor do any of its escorting surface ships. Maverick's wristwatch changes several times during the training flight. Cougar supposedly is trying to outmaneuver the enemy plane. After Maverick's reckless nature finally begins to catch up with him when his friend Goose is killed during a training exercise gone awry, he starts to change his ways. "Bullseye" is a fixed point on a map, by which navigation instructions can be relayed over the radio, without giving any vital information away to possible enemies in the area. Then, the Landing Signal Officer hears a reply, "Roger Ball," without ever hearing Cougar confirm that he had the Ball in sight. Damn, this kid is good! We were in the worst dogfight I ever dreamed of. Medal of Honor recipient James Stockdale commanded VF51 in 1964 flying off the USS Ticonderoga. Viper also has a picture of himself and Duke on the wall at Viper's house that Maverick sees when he visits Viper. When Maverick destroys the first enemy fighter in the final battle, it plummets straight down. This signal is given early in F-14 launch procedures, not right before launch. Top Guntells the story of the titularU.S. Navy's Fighter Weapons School at Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California. At the beginning of the movie flying over the Indian Ocean, they are harassed by 2 enemy fighters. One of the most infamous is the gay subtext inTop Gun,which forms an interesting (if unproven) deeper meaning behind Maverick's grief. Paramount Pictures. I flew with your old man. He arrives at Charlie's house with one on. The signal that Maverick is given before he takes off for the final fight scene is not the launch signal, but rather the "remove power" signal. Viper is a Vietnam War vet who flew a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II along side Duke. Maverick The plane they are working on is actually an A-6 Intruder, not an F-14. What if the F4 hes referring to were Corsairs? Maverick and Iceman return as heroes, and Maverick throws Goose's dog tags into the ocean, beginning to move on from his best friend's death. At this point he either excels or decelerates to shift gears. He is a loving husband and good father. Biographical information Viper So he's saying he's crashed and still had the shot which is nonsense. You know, he just might not make it back. So I took it." Duke is said to have flown dangerously; a trait shared with Maverick. When he first meets Maverick he is not impressed about him being below the hard deck nor him buzzing the tower which got Air Boss Johnson upset. The interior is usually freezing to protect the electronics thus he would not sweat. The term "bogey" is misused throughout the movie. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. At 1:28:56, a pilot salutes the catapult officer with his oxygen mask off, a safety error. After the first strafe, they shut down one engine. Iceman would never be able to intentionally pick his wingman in reality. There are no such things as inverted flight tanks. Viper, his mustached face collapsing on itself, says, I like that in a pilot. Now Maverick and Goose grin like buffoons. Viper After Charlie hands out the dinner invitation to Maverick, Slider tells him "Crash and burn, huh, Mav?" (1) Failure to obey instructor's directions: making a kill below the hard deck (Maverick vs. Jester). During the first hop, the sky is clear with minimal cloud cover most of the time, but in the shot near the end of the hop where we see the F-14 chasing the A-4 from above, the sky is extremely cloudy. 1986 action dramaTop Gunsecureda lasting legacy among the greatest blockbusters of the '80s, with Cruise's turn as Maverick remaining one of the actor's most iconic roles to date. Viper Following the flat spin and ejection sequence, Goose was wearing an MBU-14/P oxygen mask. Viper : I didn't say that. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the dogfight scenes as shown would have occurred, as all five hostile aircraft during the final dogfight could have been eliminated before any of the friendly F-14's even made visual contact with the MiG's, which are all shown performing old-fashioned, World War II fighting tactics at close range. : These points are located on the front fuselage close to the cockpit. See 32:08. We were in the worst dogfight I ever dreamed of. Viper See 1:07:13. During the final dogfight, Iceman switches to missiles when he engages the MIG, then as he locks onto the MIG he switches to missiles again then fires. : There would be a Rear Admiral of the Carrier Strike or Battle Group. Do you think your name will be on that plaque? A fighter jet traveling at close to the speed of sound would not fall straight down when struck, it would continue on its previous course and then begin to fall downward. Yeah, your old man did it right. Viper Naval aviators in reality do not wear cowboy hats at a flight briefing (at 26:54) or eat oranges on a flight line like Hollywood did at 55:31. Before graduating Maverick wears the American flag on his right sleeve, however this is removed and the "Fighter Weapons school" patch has taken the flags original place. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. Stinger wears a hat/cover inside the ship. As a fan of Erotica where my mind Straight Goose wouldn't be carrying a Polaroid camera. Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. When Maverick is launched on Alert Five, he is catapulted off the bow of the carrier. Viper also tells Maverick he can succeed if he can regain his self-confidence. Stinger with the rank of Commander, appears to be in charge of everything throughout -- he asks the controller which pilots are on duty, instructs the Alert 5 aircraft to launch, ask for more pilots to join the dogfight. Additionally, the approach controller made radio calls to both Maverick and Cougar, referring to both of them by their callsigns, which is something never done over the radio. When the movie was made the AM-39 Exocet was the in service missile and is only capable of a range of approximately 38Nm. VF-51 and the other fighters in Oriskanys air wing flew F-8 Crusaders. The second strafing must have restarted the turned off engine. | The real flight school has never had that trophy or anything like it, as the training is designed to encourage cooperation amongst the pilots. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one. Neither of them are talking anything factual. Their names are clearly visible on the side of the plane, and the distinct "lightning bolt" designs of their helmets are quite visible. Maverick again performs a fly-by with Iceman whose F-14 is shot up. In the flat spin sequence, Goose calls "Altitude 8,000, 7,000, 6,000", but when he calls "6,000" the altimeter is passing through 2,000 feet. Such weapons would not make the shot at a close range. (Can be Gender Flipped, but usually is the father.) That spin was hell, it would've shook me up. That's the way to get through the Navy pilots. When the CO departs, the cigar is a stub again. At the same time the altimeter, which shows he's at 31, 500 feet, is set to standby with the barometric pressure dialed to 28.32 when it should be at 29.92. they would argue with a detailer and their new assignment will appear months later. There will be no engagements below that." An F-14 taking off with full tanks of fuel wouldn't have gained enough speed to do this so soon. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. He is impressed with his skills even after he broke away from LT Rick "Hollywood" Neven in training. Career information See 1:06:56. What is not shown is the responsibilities of the RIO: 1) communications with others - pilot does not usually handle radios 2) maintain radar support as the intercept progressed 3) guides the pilot to the intercept. Commander (O-5) In Viper's first briefing, Slider at first has the two bars of a lieutenant senior grade on his collar. It is thought that Duke is a reference to former U.S. congressman. Hair color The last position of the encounter was at 150 miles. Upon launching in the Alert 5 aircraft, Maverick says "Maverick is supersonic, I'll be there in 30 seconds." A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. During the first hop, Jester clearly states that the hard deck would be 10,000 feet. Maverick (USN) Fighter Weapons School is known as "TOPGUN" all one word. During both the training missions and dogfight scenes, the sound effects for the targeting system and the radar/missile warning are nearly identical. Although a joking remark, Iceman would not deliberately have Maverick as his wingman. Quotes In reality, he would report to the Commander Air Wing, ranked as a Captain. Viper WebThat night she reunites with Black Clan ninja Harada who is forced to chase Wolverine and Mariko after Viper uses her powers on him. Blue decals are used for officers, red decals for enlisted. When offered any assignment he chooses, Maverick tells Stinger that he's decided to become an instructor at TOPGUN. Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees. Official Sites One of Maverick's biggest challenges inTop Gunis learning to let go. Given Cougar status, the Landing Signal Operator (LSO) should have waved him off yet that does not occur. Besides the defensive capabilities of the F-14 aircraft being represented by the lack of the use of flares and chaff to deceive enemy missiles, the offensive capabilities of the F-14's are misrepresented as well, presumably to mislead any hostile governments at the time. In the first engagement between Maverick and Jester, right after Maverick hits the air brakes and gets behind Jester, Jester goes vertical and Maverick chases. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one. Filming & Production Viper | Flew for the targeting system and the other fighters in Oriskanys Air wing flew F-8 Crusaders 1:28:56!, his mustached face collapsing on itself, says, I 'll be there in 30 seconds. protect! Maverick switches to guns but the symbols on the bench house with one on: Charlie hands the! Us ) as much n't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will a... Added layer of safety ), ranked as a POW deck on this hop will be.! 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